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44 Items in Category: Animal

Adairs Carnival Ribbons, Large
Adairs Carnival Ribbons, Large
A large size model of Adair's Carnival Ribbons, where from a bunch of colored ribbons swished in the air and shaken, you produce a live dove.

This large model can be used to produce larger items like a large pigeon, beer bottle or a large bouquet of feather flowers.

A self contained production item, made with ribbons 1 inch wide, and over four feet long.

Itemid: fu-10104
Available: 2
Weight: 0.140
Price: $28.00
Appearing Bird Cage, Big 15 Inch
Appearing Bird Cage, Big 15 Inch
The Appearing Bird Cage appeares instantaneously out of an empty silk in the magician's hand.

A very effective production item, from a large production prop, or a body load, or even from thin air, you can produce several of these as an act by itself.

The Appearing Bird Cage is made of chromed metal and its springs have got quite sufficient capability and flexibility. It folds so you can conceal it up your sleeve and snap open so it expands into a full rigid cage, complete with a couple of small live birds if you wish.

This cage is constructed in such a way that there are no sharp corners that the birds might be hurt when they are appeared in it.

This measures about 15 inch in length and 2 inch in diameter in the folded loading state, and expands to a bird cage 15 inch in height and 10 inch in diameter when produced.

Itemid: fu-10632
Available: 9
Weight: 0.700
Price: $130.00
Appearing Bird Cage, Giant, 24 Inch by Tora
Appearing Bird Cage, Giant, 24 Inch by Tora
For the professional performer looking for an outstanding and exclusive production item in a big stage show, the Appearing Giant Bird Cage is one of the best props.

The cage is not designed as a body load production item. It can be stolen from behind an assistant's back, or from behind a suitable cover such as the back of a draped table etc.

This cage is constructed in such a way that there are no sharp corners that the birds might be hurt when they are appeared in it.

The Bird Cage measures 61 cm in height, 8 cm in diameter when closed and 49 cm in diameter when opened.

Itemid: ta-10122
Available: 2
Weight: 1.200
Price: $195.00
Appearing Bird Cage, Hat Production
Appearing Bird Cage, Hat Production
A metal cage that folds so you can fit 3 or more of these into a hat, and which expands when produced, complete with a real small bird.

Handcrafted metal work, on a design by Prof Hoffman from a century ago, this magic prop is a piece of craftsmanship you will be proud to own and use.

It measures when closed: 4,5 x 4,6 x 2,5 Inch and when open it measures 4,5 x 4,6 x 5,5 Inch in locked position.

Itemid: fu-10423
Available: 4
Weight: 0.300
Price: $55.00
Appearing Bird Cage, Large, 20 Inch
Appearing Bird Cage, Large, 20 Inch
For the professional performer looking for an outstanding and exclusive production item in a big stage show, the Large Appearing Bird Cage is one of the best props.

The cage is not designed as a body load production item. It can be stolen from behind an assistant's back, or from behind a suitable cover such as the back of a draped table etc.

This cage is constructed in such a way that there are no sharp corners that the birds might be hurt when they are appeared in it.

Itemid: fu-10481
Available: 2
Weight: 1.300
Price: $185.00
Appearing Dove Box by Black Magic
Appearing Dove Box by Black Magic

Pass your hand through the box to show your hand and that the box is empty. Now point to the box and open it and then a dove will fly from the box.

Itemid: bm-10081
Available: 4
Weight: 1.000
Price: $180.00
Bengal Net, Illusion for Vanishing
Bengal Net, Illusion for Vanishing
The Bengal Net uses one of the most deceptive optical principles for the visual vanish of items ranging from silks and handkerchiefs to a real motorcycle, complete with rider. A clear see through net hangs in front of an opaque banner. The net is folded in half, and the object to be vanished is placed in the neck cradle, clearly visible. The performer releases the net, and as it drops open the object has vanished into thin air.

Our model is a handy size, large enough to vanish a dove or baby rabbit, (the photo is with a real dove) or anything similar. Large enough to be seen on a big stage, yet you can use this before an audience a few feet away.

Itemid: fu-10151
Available: 2
Weight: 0.450
Price: $32.50
Chick Pan, Stainless Steel
Chick Pan, Stainless Steel
The Chick Pan is a smaller version of the classic Dove Pan.

The performer shows an empty pan. A piece of flaming paper could be placed in the pan for dramatic effect, and transformed into the item to be finally produced.

The pan is covered for a instant, and when the cover is lifted a live chicken appears in the pan. This is an utility production prop, which can be used for producing small live stock or other solid loads.

A favorite with children's performers is to put in invisible ingredients and "bake-a-cake". Another very effective presentation is the Ribbon Fountain, where multicolor ribbon flows out of the pan.

This model is made from stainless steel. The pan measures approximately 6.5 inch in diameter and only 1 inch in height. The complete apparatus (with cover) measures approximately 6.75 inch in diameter and 3 inches in height (including the knob on the cover). The Chick Pan is an attractive prop and supplied complete with instructions and ideas for use. The Chick Fan Flower Bunch is a special bunch of super size spring flowers, designed to fit in the Chick Pan, and make a large production, appearing much larger than the pan.

Itemid: fu-10212
Available: 5
Weight: 0.640
Price: $45.50
Dove Balloon Tray
Dove Balloon Tray
This is a production prop for producing a Dove, or a baby Pigeon. Performer shows a tray freely on both sides. Visibly and in an instant a Dove appears on the tray. If you wish you can transform a Silk into a Dove, or a Balloon can be placed on the tray, which bursts with the Dove appearing on the tray. The apparatus supplied by us consists of the special tray complete and ready to work.
Itemid: fu-10321
Available: 4
Weight: 1.900
Price: $95.00
Dove Castle by Tora
Dove Castle by Tora
A box is seen on the magician's table. He picks it up and displays all sides to the audience. After doing so, he opens the door of the box and places a dove inside and closes the door. Now, he opens the door of the box and shows the back and front of it quite empty. He keeps on showing the other pieces of the box but suddenly the audience see that a very nice rabbit has been appeared and the dove has been disappeared into the thin air. Simultaneously, the rest of the pieces are disaplyed in order to make the audience quite certain that the dove has been changed into a rabbit.

This item can be used for making livestock appear and vanish.

Itemid: ta-10109
Available: 2
Weight: 1.800
Price: $150.00
Dove From Scarf
Dove From Scarf
The magician removes his scarf, then while folding the scarf, a dove appears.
Itemid: ud-10100
Available: 12
Weight: 0.070
Price: $10.00
Dove Holder, Professional, Red by Tony Clark
Dove Holder, Professional, Red by Tony Clark
These holders are very simple and very effective to use. They have a velcro release that allows you to adjust to different dove sizes. They cover the dove from head to tail so there is no chance of flashing. They are made from a durable, smooth satin fabric.

They come in 3 colors, white, black and red.

Itemid: tc-10111
Available: 1
Weight: 0.020
Price: $25.00
Dove Holder, Ultra Quick Release, Red Color by Andy Amyx
Dove Holder, Ultra Quick Release, Red Color by Andy Amyx
"These are the best kept dove magic secret, I've never seen a better holder on the market! I swear by these holders!" - Dan Sperry

This holder is designed to be opened with just one hand. It is the simplest holder you will ever use. Each individual holder is hand made.

Itemid: ms-10831
Available: 4
Weight: 0.035
Price: $45.00
Dove Pan Classic, Stainless Steel, Large
Dove Pan Classic, Stainless Steel, Large
The Magician shows an empty pan, and drops a piece of lit cloth or paper inside. The pan is covered, and when it it opened a live dove or small pigeon, or other similar live stock appears.

This is of course just one possible effect, as the Dove Pan is a classic magic prop and several routines and presentation ideas with this have appeared in magic books and magazines. You can use it to magically Bake a Cake or turn an egg into a chicken, and so on.

This is a large size dove pan, approximately 22.5 cm (9 inch) in diameter, 15 cm (6 inch) in height and a pan depth of 7 cm (2.75 inch) manufactured in seamless heavy gauge stainless steel and comes to you with instructions and ideas for its use.

Itemid: fu-10320
Available: 1
Weight: 0.900
Price: $99.00
Dove Pan, Double Load, Aluminum
Dove Pan, Double Load, Aluminum
A Dove Pan in aluminum that gives you a life time prop.

A piece of flaming paper is dropped into an empty pan, which is covered for an instant to extinguish the flames. When the cover is removed, one or two live Doves appear.

The double load feature enables you to close the pan again for an instant, and produce a second production of a pan full of flowers, sweets, or anything you like. The Dove Pan is a prop not only for producing Doves or Chickens, but for some excellent children's routines, like Baking a Cake magically at a Birthday party.

Itemid: fu-10318
Available: 1
Weight: 0.670
Price: $75.00
Dove Picture Frame To Real Dove
Dove Picture Frame To Real Dove
You show a picture of two white doves sitting on a tree, framed in a nice wooden frame. Suddenly the two doves fly, YES REALLY FLY, THEY ARE NOW REAL BIRDS. Out of the picture and the picture is now of the tree with no doves. This is a fantastic way of producing a pair of doves, it looks unbelievable.
Itemid: sm-10124
Available: 6
Weight: 0.850
Price: $95.00
Dove Pocket, Black
Dove Pocket, Black

Professionally Sewn Satin Black Pocket. The perfect tool for holding and producing doves, make your performance go smooth and professional. Produce doves without the hassle of homemade pockets everywhere.

Has installed harness for loading and removing the dove. Supplied in Black Satin. Pinned or Sewn in your Jacket!

Itemid: mm-10510
Available: 4
Weight: 0.015
Price: $9.50
Dove Pocket, Black by Tony Clark
Dove Pocket, Black by Tony Clark

These pockets are made from a high quality black satin, to ensure a smooth dove steal. They are ready to be installed quickly and easily into any jacket. They are a real timesaver! All you do is safety pin into position. Measures 5 inch x 11 inch.

Itemid: tc-10108
Available: 2
Weight: 0.025
Price: $12.50
Dove Production Bag
Dove Production Bag
A cloth bag is shown to be empty. Magician puts his hand inside the bag and produces a dove!
Itemid: ud-10223
Available: 3
Weight: 0.060
Price: $19.00
Dove Sensation, Amazing Tricks
Dove Sensation, Amazing Tricks
The magician displays a cloth banner and then folds it in half, reaches inside and produces a live dove! The dove is placed back into the banner and when the magician pulls it open a white silk handkerchief flies into the air... the dove is gone!
Itemid: ms-11184
Available: 5
Weight: 0.325
Price: $40.00
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