Then, bring out the wickedest looking drill you've ever seen. Proceed to drill a hole straight through your arm (blood is optional). Of course, when you remove your arm from the cast, it is unharmed. Thank goodness!
The effect can be built in under a half an hour using $10 worth of materials and a $20 cordless drill.
The magician shows a wooden pillory and asks a spectator to come onto the stage and secure the "victims" head and hands in the pillory.
He then show three swords to the audience before he pushes all three swords through the neck and wrists of the "unlucky victim". The points of the swords can be clearly seen. With a magic gesture he then removes the swords and frees his "victim" which is unharmed when leaving.
Very visual magic and easy to perform.
A novelty item that has been popular for years in many forms, (Viper Eggs, Shocking Letter etc.) this is a buzzing device in an envelope, that goes into action when the envelope is opened. Comes at a very low affordable price, and you can buy them by the dozen as a novel "giveaway".
World renowned comedy magician Tom Burgoon brings you a unique way to get your audience rolling, straight from his comedy lecture. The possibilities for this hilarious site gag are endless.
A very convincing penetration effect, easy to perform, and well made in laminated wood.
For example, as a touch, you could simply pick up the fire from a candle on your table, transferring the flame to your finger tip, and use your flaming finger to light a Cigarette. Flames at Finger Tips Gimmicks use ordinary Petrol or liquid lighter fluid, and are supplied as a set of four reusable gimmicks, one for each finger of either hand and come to you complete with instructions.
Flesh Wound is the most gruesome, most graphic, most disgusting magic trick ever.
Capture their attention with something they'll never forget. It really gets under their skin.
Take a knife and cut straight into your forearm. Blood starts to ooze from the fresh wound as you cut. After you've carved out a good chunk of your arm, you reach over to the wound and begin to PEEL THE SKIN AWAY UNTIL IT HANGS DOWN AS A LOOSE FLAP!
They can now see directly into your open wound! It's absolutely disgusting.
And now for the best part. Close the flap of skin and your arm visibly HEALS ITSELF.
Wipe away the excess blood and you're as good as new. It's absolutely unforgettable.
Flesh Wound offers up 3 jaw dropping must-see surprises you cut yourself and bleed. You then peel your skin back so spectators can see right into your arm. You then finish by completely healing yourself.
Reset time is under 1 minute, and it works with any knife and any skin color. It includes the custom Flesh Wound prop designed veteran Hollywood animator David Spafford.
You also receive supplies plus a performance and explanation.
CD detailing the entire routine INCLUDED.
Have your assistant walk onstage toward you. Comment that he isn't looking very well and that you can help him. Hold his head in your hands, moving it back and forth a little. Suddenly you move his head down to the middle of his chest! Move the head up and down a little as it speaks to you, then return it to its proper place! The assistant says that now he feels much better!
While the effect is very dramatic, it is easy to set up and perform in any situation. Very little practice is needed and the prop is made of the finest material.
A shocking mini-illusion! Comes complete with the special plastic cabinet and detailed instructions. Use your own knife.
This model of the Finger Chopper has a unique locking mechanism and stands thorough examination. We have shown in to dozens of knowledgeable magicians, and they have not figured the clever secret.
Highly recommended, as a very good buy for the price. Supplied ready to work, with instructions.
Comes complete with the very special made nail and detailed instructions. European craftsmanship, made to perfection!
Suitable for adults with normal size fingers. Warning: this trick is a bit gruesome! Beware!
The magician finally manages to link the rings into a chain of three, bringing the routine to a successful (and painless) conclusion. The special barbed wire rings invented by Hughie O'Neill and extra gimmicks supplied enable you to perform this mysterious and entertaining routine without any risk of injury or damage to your clothes or your spectator's.
Terry Seabrooke was generous enough to allow us to include his personal routine that he first performed at the Magic Castle in 1995. EXCERPT from Mr. Seabrooke's routine: Get a male spectator on stage to help you. Have him stand to your left. Talk about presenting one of the classics of magic. The famous Linking Ring trick where steel rings melt into each other in an amazing way and link together. "Unfortunately I've misplaced my set of rings, but I did find these..." Most of the fun in this routine comes from the many ways you get stuck to these "deadly" rings! On your gloves (included) bare hands, on your clothes- even on your unsuspecting audience-member assistant's clothes! The possibilities are limitless!
CAUTION: Quadro-Vicious Circle will produce a reaction like no other Linking Ring Routine in the world!
In effect the performer places a frame with a wooden box over his assistant's head. The head is then clamped into the box and the box is turned slowly, twisting the head with it. It is turned right around and then twisted back again in the opposite direction to unscrew the head.
Finally everything is removed and displayed freely, and the assistant is completely unharmed.
Complete with special adhesive tape.