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247 Items in Category: Miscellaneous

Incrediball by Goshman
Incrediball by Goshman
The magician displays a small (2.5 inch) sponge ball. He places the ball onto his closed fist and pushes it down inside. When he opens his hand the ball has somehow doubled in size, growing into a large (5 inch) ball!
Itemid: go-10128
Available: 6
Weight: 0.020
Price: $12.00
Juggling Bean Bag Cubes #3
Juggling Bean Bag Cubes #3
Juggling is an entertaining art form. It conveys an impression of incredible skill and practice.

However, it is not as difficult as it looks, and any one can learn to juggle with the correct approach. It is like learning to ride a bicycle, more a matter of getting the feel or knack, rather than any extra ordinary skill. Once you have acquired the knack, practice will enable you to juggle with more or different objects.

In this outfit we supply a set of three velvet Juggling Balls or Cubes, with a printed illustrated booklet, to teach you to juggle the cubes in a variety of ways.

Itemid: fu-10456
Available: 5
Weight: 0.370
Price: $3.50
Juggling Rings #3
Juggling Rings #3
Variety is the spice of life and it enhances the salability of a magic show too. Therefore, when the magician juggles three large different colored rings on stage he offers something different and magical. We supply a set of three unbreakable plastic rings, and a well illustrated lesson book to take you step by step throught the learning process.
Itemid: fu-10458
Available: 4
Weight: 0.220
Price: $5.50
Juggling Spinning Plate With Stick
Juggling Spinning Plate With Stick
This is another of our Juggler's prop that adds variety to your magic act.

The magician spins a colorful plastic plate at the end of a thin stick. We supply you everything needed, a special unbreakable plastic plate, the stick which folds in half for convenient transportation, and an illustrated step-by-step lesson book.

Itemid: fu-10459
Available: 2
Weight: 0.150
Price: $14.50
Jumbo Die Tunnel
Jumbo Die Tunnel
Performer displays a large die and a square tube. The tube is just large enough for the die to pass through comfortably. It is impossible for the die to turn inside the tube. However, the die is pushed through the tube, and magically the spots on top of the die change. You can hand the die out for examination before and after the change.

There are no shells, flaps, moving spots or anything tricky about the die. The tube folds absolutely flat and could not possibly conceal anything.

We supply you a large die, approximately 1.5 inch square, and the plastic tube which folds flat. The large size enables you to use this item for a much larger audience, including a small Platform Show.

Itemid: fu-10306
Available: 2
Weight: 0.060
Price: $7.50
Kitty Kaper by Royal
Kitty Kaper by Royal
Have your Multiplying Rabbits had it? Tired of doing the same old trick that every other magician knows?

Kitty Kaper takes the Multiplying Rabbit trick, a classic and gives it a refreshing twist. Do the trick with cute kitty cats instead of adorable bunny rabbits.

The spectator sees the magician place two "adult" sponge cats into their hand. But when their hand is opened, inside are a few baby cats along with the adults.

Itemid: fi-10284
Available: 6
Weight: 0.015
Price: $1.50
Levitron, Base Ball, No Gravity
Levitron, Base Ball, No Gravity

Levitating Sports Concepts.

  • Amazing anti-gravity sports objects float in mid-air!
  • Computer-controlled levitation, operates with ease!
  • Dynamic design looks great on a desk, mantle or in a den!
  • A must for the sports or tech enthusiast!

An Incredible conversation piece!

Itemid: mm-10116
Available: 1
Weight: 0.900
Price: $59.00
Levitron, Golf Ball, No Gravity
Levitron, Golf Ball, No Gravity

Levitating Sports Concepts.

  • Amazing anti-gravity sports objects float in mid-air!
  • Computer-controlled levitation, operates with ease!
  • Dynamic design looks great on a desk, mantle or in a den!
  • A must for the sports or tech enthusiast!

An Incredible conversation piece!

Itemid: mm-10117
Available: 1
Weight: 0.900
Price: $59.00
Lightly Salted by G. Sparks
Lightly Salted by G. Sparks
Sparks Lightly Salted. You bring out a bar napkin, a salt shaker and a flashlight size light bulb. Saying, "Now I know you have heard the term medical break-thru. Well I would like to demonstrate a magical break-thru." Take the bar napkin and place it into your left fist as if you where placing it into a thumb tip, but you are making a small pocket for the light bulb. The spectator now places the light bulb into the center of the napkin. Next you ask the spectator to pick up the salt shaker and add some salt. "After all this break thru does concern an object being lightly salted." Now you give the napkin a good twist and set it down with the light bulb. Pick up the salt shaker and smash the light bulb into, into the salt shaker itself. Yes the napkin in now empty and the light bulb has visibly penetrated both the napkin and the bottom of the glass salt shaker. A cool penetration for walk around bar and restaurant work.
Itemid: ms-10379
Available: 4
Weight: 0.080
Price: $34.00
Liliput Change Bag
Liliput Change Bag
This is our smallest one hand change bag, just like a regular change bag with wood lacquered handle and velvet pouched bag. Perfect for table hopping and close up workers.
Itemid: mm-10239
Available: 3
Weight: 0.125
Price: $22.00
Linking Key
Linking Key
A large, round key ring is displayed to your audience with two keys attached. With the spectators look on carefully, you simply remove one key without opening the ring. You replace the ring just as quickly. Upon examination, no body else can remove the key as you did, or find the secret.
Itemid: rb-10232
Available: 5
Weight: 0.040
Price: $11.50
Lips by Tony Binarelli and Gary Ouellet
Lips by Tony Binarelli and Gary Ouellet
A lady spectator is asked to select a card from a blue-backed deck. The card is replaced and lost into the deck. She then "blows a kiss" at the deck and instantly, her selected card blushes (turns into a red-backed card)! When the card is turned over, a lovely red lipstick imprint is seen on its face!

If Lips doesn't get them cheering, nothing else will! This trick is based on an original idea by Italy's Master of Magic, Tony Binarelli, adapted by Gary Ouellet.

Absolutely No Sleight Of Hand Required! Comes with a complete booklet of photo-illustrated instructions by Gary Ouellet and three "Lips" cards.

Itemid: ms-10857
Available: 4
Weight: 0.035
Price: $9.50
Little Biddle Can
Little Biddle Can
You can do a liquid to a solid effect with this aluminum chambered apparatus. Small enough to be hand held and kept in the pocket. Has a cork stopper to make the liquid change foolproof. Fashioned after the "pea can", and is perfect to do just that very routine as well.
Itemid: rb-10234
Available: 4
Weight: 0.025
Price: $20.00
Lucky Envelopes
Lucky Envelopes
Roll the dice and take away the envelope which contains money.
Itemid: rb-10239
Available: 3
Weight: 0.032
Price: $4.50
Mac Fly by David Ethan
Mac Fly by David Ethan
Self-levitation is already a classical effect. Over the past few years, it has become a fashion effect with the development of street magic.
  • No gimmicked shoes!
  • No magnets!
  • You keep your shoes at your feet!
  • No jacket or other folding screen hiding a part of your body!
  • You begin clean, and you finish clean!
  • This new device is more clever, yet simpler at the same time.

You've got the gimmick on you. You can perform self-levitation whenever you want.

You can use it for street magic, stage performances, or close-up performances.

Comes complete with special gimmick and detailed instructions.

Itemid: ms-11296
Available: 2
Weight: 0.110
Price: $90.00
Magic Computer Age Cards
Magic Computer Age Cards
With this set of cards magician can quickly tell any chosen number or someone's age, from 1 to 60, without ever asking. Great pocket trick!
Itemid: rb-10246
Available: 11
Weight: 0.020
Price: $1.50
Magic Hat Paper Tears #12, Chef
Magic Hat Paper Tears #12, Chef
Two pieces of different colored tissue paper are placed together and torn into several smaller pieces. The torn pieces are crumpled together, and when opened out have transformed into a beautiful hat, which you present to your assistant. The hats supplied are in five different varieties as illustrated. We supply you 12 sets of the item, ready to work. Each set can be used only once. Easy to do, and complete with instructions.
Itemid: fu-10210
Available: 9
Weight: 0.130
Price: $6.50
Magic Illusion, 3D Space
Magic Illusion, 3D Space
An Optical Illusion That Fools Em.

You will be dazzled when your hand passes right through the floating object hovering above the Magic Illusion Mirage.

Any object placed inside the Mirage is reproduced & floats in 3D space right before your eyes!

Supplied complete and ready to use. No Electricity Required.

Measures 24 cm in diameter and 8 cm in height.

Itemid: mm-10124
Available: 1
Weight: 0.200
Price: $29.50
Magic Shirt, Blue/White, Size L by Black Magic
Magic Shirt, Blue/White, Size L by Black Magic

This is a very well made magic shirt. In the sleeves there is a special pocket to allow for production of flowers, silks, etc.

Size L.

Itemid: bm-10099
Available: 1
Weight: 0.320
Price: $65.00
Magic Shirt, Gold/White, Size L by Black Magic
Magic Shirt, Gold/White, Size L by Black Magic
This is a very well made magic shirt. In the sleeves there is a special pocket to allow for production of flowers, silks, etc.

Size L.

Itemid: bm-10095
Available: 2
Weight: 0.320
Price: $65.00
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