You can make several canes appear using a number of these holders. The gimmick is very useful for any performer who uses Appearing Canes in his act. It is supplied with illustrated instructions.
It's ideal for pinning inside of your jacket or any location that is necesary to suit your requirements. Objects can be taken out or replaced. Perfect for use in a multiplying ball rutine.
Made of sprung steel and plastic.
These holders deliver the goods. Ideal for the Billiard Ball routine, and if you perform with balls, eggs etc. a couple of these are necessary. Supplied with basic handling instructions.
The performer produces a barren flower stem from the production prop. This is dropped on a wooden floor or wooden platform, where it sticks upright. And as each flower stem drops, a flower magically blooms at the end.
Use one or more to add an extra touch of magic to your regular flower production. The item is ideal for production with other regular flower darts. As you produce each regular dart you pretend to smell it, which automatically draws attention to the flower on top. When you produce the barren dart, you act surprised that there is no flower at the end, and make a magic gesture as you drop the dart to make the flower appear.
We supply you the Blooming Flower Dart complete and ready to work. Dart has feather leaves, and a realistic cloth flower.
Caution - This prop has an extremely sharp dart point. It must be handled with caution, like any sharp needle, dart, or pointed object.
Have some fun! Gaffed ring box, special silk cords, and instructions included. Built strong! Includes new UPPERCUT ROUTINE!
Also supplied along with the change bag is a fabulous book containing 101 tricks that you can do with this bag or other types of change bags. This Soft cover book, 5.5 inch x 8.5 inch size with 48 pages contains tricks that can be performed by beginners, amateurs or pro's, kid show performers or mentalists.
Outer diameter 16 cm, inner diameter 10.5 cm, length 30.7 cm.
There are two basic models, the One Hand models, with a small flat handle, that you can hold and operate with one hand. The standard or regular handle models are with longer handles, and require two hands to operate.
There are models that permit a single change, and repeat models, that permit two changes. Models with zippers enable you to open them at the bottom, and pass your hands through them, to prove them empty.
All the bags come with detailed instructions, and ideas for dozens of applications.
Outer diameter 16 cm, inner diameter 10.5 cm, length 30.7 cm.
Outer diameter 15.5 cm, inner diameter 11.3 cm, length 29.2 cm.
A regular change bag with a golden handle. This is a utility prop of 101 uses, and comes complete with several dozen ideas for presentation.
Outer diameter 16 cm, inner diameter 13.2 cm, length 43.5 cm.
Comes complete with apparatus and instructions for several applications.
This is a first class Close-Up Case that is perfect for storing and transporting your close-up act. The case has a drawer with 9 compartments for easy storage of your selected tricks. It also has a carrying handle. The case measures 34 cm x 42 cm x 5 cm.
Their resilience is comfortable. They recover quickly from casual folding. The top surface has a nice sheen to it, and the colors are bright without being gaudy. Card spreads, turnovers, and other flourishes work well on the surface. The pad measures 7 by 12 inch.
Available in Black, Red and Green. 7.25 by 12 inches, 19 cm x 31 cm.
This is a First Class Close-Up Case and Performance Table that is perfect for storing and transporting your close-up act!
When you get to the show just place it on the table and you are ready to perform!
The custom case is made from select Red Oak that is hand picked and assembled by elite craftsmen for a long lasting, good looking prop case. This is the case of choice for several top magic pros! Divided Pull-Out Drawer to keep you organized! Special Satin Finish!
Measures 11 Inch x 17 Inch x 6 Inch. Comes with Custom Close-Up pad!
You are in a coffee shop and have been asked to do some magic, but you don't have "anything" on you. You ask the spectator's to get a random assortment of several objects from around the coffee shop or deli. All the items are placed on the table and one by one are eliminated by the spectator. There is one item left, let's say a Sugar Packet. You then show the innocent looked coffee sleeve to your audience and it has PRINTED ON IT: "The Sugar Packet is left"
Using a handful of business cards, playing cards or napkins, the spectator randomly shuffles or switches the order of them. And, to their amazement, you reveal the order the cards are in, in prediction in a hair raising, surprising and coffee sleeve revealing manner!
These are just 2 of the amazing things that the Coffee Break can be used for!
Coffee Break allows you to perform your magic ANYWHERE and ANYTIME. It is the PERFECT UTILITY for both magicians and mentalists. You no longer need to carry around props. There are 6 AMAZING revelations on this coffee sleeve. These SPECIALLY PRINTED sleeves match most coffee shops, delis and restaurants throughout the world! There are classic revelations like "1089" and card revelations. You can perform an entire magic act with JUST ONE SLEEVE!
You get PLENTY of reusable sleeves with a few different designs to match the establishment you are performing in.
Comes with a booklet, with FULL COLOR cover and complete instructions for all the different revelations.
Easy enough for a beginner yet POWERFUL enough for the most advanced magician!