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109 Items in Category: Accessories

Split Decision Refill Package, Blue Color
Split Decision Refill Package, Blue Color
Split Decision Refill Package, Blue.

Each refill package contains 40 cards specially printed by the US Playing Card Company for Joshua Jay's trick Split Decision. Avaialble in red or blue Bicycle backs.

Itemid: fi-10723
Available: 2
Weight: 0.070
Price: $8.00
Spoon Bender, Ultimate
Spoon Bender, Ultimate
Perform Psychic Magic WITHOUT Fancy Moves.

Always Carry with you! Borrow a spoon from the table for a world famous demonstration of mind over matter. Hold the borrowed spoon upright in your hand and concentrate, even have the spectators concentrate also. They watch the spoon BENDS and BENDS some more! Bend ALL Sorts of Objects! Totally Examinable and you are left clean! NO Awkward Moves to Learn!

Itemid: mm-10449
Available: 1
Weight: 0.050
Price: $10.00
Stage Blood for the Needle Thru Arm
Stage Blood for the Needle Thru Arm

Harry Anderson's Stage Blood is perfect for his Needle thru arm or any other times you need to gross out your friends.

Comes in a 2 ounce bottle.

Dries realistic and appears to be the REAL thing!

Itemid: mc-10090
Available: 7
Weight: 0.100
Price: $5.00
Swami Writer, Boon Type, China Marker 4 mm by Vernet
Swami Writer, Boon Type, China Marker 4 mm by Vernet
The same but with this lead (Listo Pencil), the writing can be seen even in stage. The Most Powerful Tool a Mentalist Can Use. With Vernet Swami Writers you can perform some of the most baffling mental effects.

Predictions, Mind Reading, Mind Control, Guessing, Spirit Writing and Occult Comunication. It's really very difficult to believe that with such little and cheap gimmick you can produce the quantity and quality of effects that look like real miracles. With the help of these subtle devices you can write: letters, numbers, check marks, etc., surreptitiously, in front of the audience given the impression it was written before the effect or event. It give you plenty of possibilities. You can change the lead very easily and in seconds. The lead is not glued, it fits with precision into the gimmick. They are specially made with the famous Vernet Thumb Tip material. Perfect flesh color that makes it absolutely invisible. Can be used for close-up, stand up or stage conditions. Designed and manufactured by professionals for professionals. Precision-made gimmicks.

Itemid: vt-10142
Available: 16
Weight: 0.030
Price: $14.00
The Amazing Super Gel, 11 Effects
The Amazing Super Gel, 11 Effects

The Amazing Super Gel

Includes 11 easy to do effects!
  • Vanishing and Reappearing Silk
  • Vanishing Liquid
  • Dollar Bill in Jello
  • Card in Jello
  • Colored Liquids to Colored Silks
  • Glass of Water on Head
  • Something is Wrong With My Coffee
Itemid: ms-10160
Available: 7
Weight: 0.100
Price: $12.50
The Wiz by Philip Phillips
The Wiz by Philip Phillips
Unleash the power of your Wizard PK Ring with the WiZ!

Just when you thought your PK Rings uses were endless, we add ANOTHER ingredient to the already rich mix Youll be amazed at the WiZ. Small, stealthy, and utterly diabolical, this new PK Ring accessory is sure to take your magic to a different and new level. Based around a simple principle, and utilising the power of the PK Ring, the precision engineered WiZ adds a new dimension to close-up sleight of hand...

  • Simple vanishes and loads
  • Virtually undetectible
  • Foolproof mechanics
  • Who needs a thumbtip

Everything is explained in simple and easy to understand stages, giving you all the tools and ideas you need to come up with your own amazing applications for the WiZ!

Comes complete with the WiZ gimmick and instructional DVD.

Itemid: cs-10026
Available: 2
Weight: 0.100
Price: $12.00
Thimble Holder
Thimble Holder

This is a piece of magic equipment you never see when it's being used, but it does a heck of a job. Five thimbles at your fingertips at all times. Strong, lightweight and easy to use.

Itemid: rb-10335
Available: 4
Weight: 0.020
Price: $6.00
Third Hand, Large
Third Hand, Large
Make it appear you are holding an object with two hands when in fact you are holding the item with only one!

ONE Hand is always free, wave your hand or produce items!

You hold the cloth in front of your face for a second. When you lower it, you're wearing a wig & funny glasses. Raise it and lower it again and the disguise is gone! Raise and lower it and you are wearing a different colored wig!

Perform the famous Seance Cloth!

The Third Hand completely looks REAL! You can't tell it from your real hand, even up close.

It's made so your hand actually fits inside the fake. Really a top quality prop with tons of uses!

Itemid: cs-10011
Available: 4
Weight: 0.180
Price: $14.00
Third Hand, Small
Third Hand, Small
Make it appear you are holding an object with two hands when in fact you are holding the item with only one!

ONE Hand is always free, wave your hand or produce items!

You hold the cloth in front of your face for a second. When you lower it, you're wearing a wig & funny glasses. Raise it and lower it again and the disguise is gone! Raise and lower it and you are wearing a different colored wig!

Perform the famous Seance Cloth!

The Third Hand completely looks REAL! You can't tell it from your real hand, even up close.

It's made so your hand actually fits inside the fake. Really a top quality prop with tons of uses!

Itemid: cs-10071
Available: 2
Weight: 0.110
Price: $14.00
Throw Coils, Mylar, Pack of 10
Throw Coils, Mylar, Pack of 10
Made of mylar and unwinds fast and flashy looks like miles of thin streamer comes pouring from your hand.
Itemid: ud-10131
Available: 1
Weight: 0.110
Price: $7.00
Throw Coils, Silver Cascade, Pack of 6
Throw Coils, Silver Cascade, Pack of 6
Like Mouth Streamers and Throw Coils, the Silver Cascade is an extremely attractive production item. The magician holds his hand palm down, and an endless glitter ribbon flows from his hand, making a huge heap on the floor. This heap of ribbon can be used as cover for a subsequent production of silks, flowers, or even a Dove from a body load, or behind some other cover, like the back of a chair.

The apparatus we supply consists of a special holder-cum-winder, and some coils of special mylar ribbon. The holder enables you to palm the coil, and allow you to make the production in the correct manner. It also serves the dual function of acting as a winder, allowing you to re-wind the coils easily, as each coil can be used as often as you wish.

The Silver Cascade sets comprise of one holder-cum-winder, and three coils, (one silver, one gold), with full working instructions, ready to use. We also supply additional coils, in packs of six, for those that would like to give away the coils, or want spares.

Itemid: fu-10697
Available: 16
Weight: 0.120
Price: $10.00
Throw Coils, Streamers Cresey, Rainbow, Pack of 12
Throw Coils, Streamers Cresey, Rainbow, Pack of 12
Used world-wide by magicians, clowns and anyone else who wants to include a beautiful production, the Rainbow throw streamer includes green, blue, orange, red and yellow.

Each package contains 12 double non-reusable streamers.

Itemid: cs-10048
Available: 2
Weight: 0.140
Price: $30.00
Transferable Topit by Andrew
Transferable Topit by Andrew
Andrew's Transferable Topit...Allows you to install it quickly and easily with NO sewing, velcro, pins or glue! Moves from coat to coat in seconds! This will not only save you money, but allows you to change your wardrobe frequently. Combines the best features of older style Topits with a new unique design which makes it much easier to use!

Built to last a lifetime! Expertly tailored from the highest quality rip-stop nylon! Comes complete with enough materials to install in 4 coats.

Itemid: ms-10588
Available: 2
Weight: 0.140
Price: $95.00
Tricky Business by Peter Eggink
Tricky Business by Peter Eggink
From the creator of the smash hits "Outcased" and "Exit", comes "Tricky Business"- Peter Eggink's best kept secret in commercial card magic!

A spectator freely selects a card (NO force), and signs it across the face. The card is then shuffled back into the pack. Next, the magician introduces some business/address stickers, and explains that these stickers have actually a mind of their "own". One sticker is placed on the back of an indifferent card. Magically the sticker starts to "jump" onto random cards in the pack. Finally, the sticker vanishes in a visual and magical manner.

The magician explains that the sticker will magically "find" the spectator selection. As the magician says so, he spreads the deck and the sticker arrived -NOT on the back- but on the FACE of the spectator's selection, right across their signature! Of course the spectator can keep the card as an amazing unique souvenir!

Tricky Business is visually stunning and HIGHLY commercial, which will create some long lasting memories. PERFECT for corporate events and Trade shows! Tricky Business is THE way to hand out your, or a company's "business card".

Key points to keep in mind:

  • NO force!
  • NO duplicates!
  • NO rough and smooth!
  • EASY to do!
  • Diabolical method!
  • PERFECT for Trade-Shows and corporate events!
  • Works with ANY sticker with ANY Message!
  • Make the sticker with message appear at the FRONT or BACK of ANY playing card!

Comes complete with a special gimmick on Bicycle stock and a full color, photo-illustrated instruction sheet.

Use your own deck of cards and stickers. The more creative you are, the more effects you are able to create using this clever "message applying system"!

Itemid: tx-10139
Available: 2
Weight: 0.020
Price: $6.00
Ultra Vision Principle by Edward Crawford
Ultra Vision Principle by Edward Crawford
"The Ultra Vision Principle is awesome in all respects and you hope that it will remain hidden within the (magic) community!" - Martin Hille, Germany

"Ultra Vision is a terrific concept that throws a new light on an amazing method for mentalists everywhere." - Peter Duffie, Scotland

"Any discerning mentalist in the world should have this wonderful weapon in his arsenal!" - Steve Cook, UK

What is Edward Crawford's Ultra Vision Principle? If I wanted to expose the secret I could tell you in one sentence but I have no desire to expose the secret. So I will have to describe it in other ways. First of all it is a gimmick or a device that enables you to perform true miracles. It is probably easiest of all to take a typical effect for which it can be used. You can use Ultra Vision for the perfect Psychometry routine. You take a number of very clearly completely blank cards pieces of card and they can be examined under a microscope and are free of pencil marks or nail nicks or any of the traditional methods of marking the cards used for a psychometry test. You give out the cards to a number of spectators and you give one of the spectators a black cloth bag. Each of the spectators can draw or write something on the card that they are given. Once this has been done all the cards are collected by one of the group of spectators and dropped into a black cloth bag which is supplied. The cards are mixed up in the bag and it is handed to you. You then reach into the bag and draw out a card and instantly tell the person who wrote or drew upon it something about themselves and then you accurately identify the spectator and hand the card to him or her. And you do that with as many cards as you choose to work with.

Now with every other psychometry routine such as this the cards have to be marked so that you know which spectator wrote what or drew on that card and you have to find the markings in good light or poor light and they can be as simple as a few pencil dots or marks made with your nail along the edges of the cards.

The spectators cannot take the cards home with them as souvenirs and they certainly cannot compare their card with other cards used but... with the Ultra Vision Principle the cards CAN be taken home as souvenirs. The cards can be examined and the cards can be compared with the other cards used. There is absolutely nothing to be seen, sniffed, or felt. The cards just seem to be what they are; just simple pieces of card. The Ultra Gimmick does all the work for you. It cannot be seen at work but work away it does. One of the effects supplied consists of five ESP cards and they are laminated and have plain white card backs. The cards can be examined thoroughly and compared with each other. If you placed them all face down on the table you would have to be a miracle worker or have second sight to be able to say which card is which. Here is what you do. You show and envelope and have it examined and have a card placed inside and you ask the audience if there is any way in which the card can be seen through the envelope and, as it can't be seen through the envelope the answer is very clear. When one of the cards is in the envelope it can not be seen at all. Now you turn your back and ask one of the spectators to take any one of the cards and place it face down into the envelope. When the other cards are hidden away so as not to give you any clues you turn round and either pick up the envelope and seal it and give it to a spectator to hold or you just basically push it across the table and ask someone to cover it with their hand. And in that very split second the Ultra Vision Gimmick tells you exactly what the card is in the envelope. It is as simple as that and it is not electronic or radio-controlled or anything like that. There is nothing that sends out a signal that can be picked up as with some of the very sensitive and complex radio controlled apparatus that one can buy nowadays. If you choose, instead of having the chosen card placed in an envelope, you can wrap it up in a handkerchief and hand it to the spectator to hold so that no-one can see what the card is ... yet you know instantly. If you choose to you can get a pack of blank-backed playing cards and you can instantly identify any one of the 53 cards in the pack in exactly the same way.

The gimmick is ingenious and completely original. If handled correctly it is completely invisible and unseen. It is very cleverly made and staggeringly ingenious. It is something that every magician knows about but it has been very cleverly modified and changed. The photographically-illustrated instructions are just under 5000 words in length. They detail quite a number of effects you can perform and as soon as you start reading you will discover other ways you can use the Ultra Vision Principle. Yes it is a special system for marking things. Yes it is invisible. Yes you can perform using it on a stage or right under their eyes. Yes, I knew about the secret method but when Edward Crawford showed me an effect using the principle I did not have a single clue about it all. He used the scientific principle we had discussed a week or two earlier and he still fooled me. That is how good it is. Edward has a new take on mentalism and his show is called How to Lie, Cheat and Steal Your Way to Success.

A leading newspaper had this to say: "Whether he was reading minds, predicting the future or contacting the dead any notion of what was real and what was fake seemed to blur into one. Utterly brilliant!" So watch out for Edward Crawford.

Itemid: tx-10109
Available: 1
Weight: 0.190
Price: $39.50
US Dollar Tie
US Dollar Tie
A great looking Silk Tie with US Dollar Motif.

Look like you are made of money.

Itemid: cs-10063
Available: 1
Weight: 0.050
Price: $9.95
Utility Pen Gimmick
Utility Pen Gimmick
This is a versatile utility gimmick, like the Thumb Tip. Your audience never see it and are not aware of its existence but it helps you to perform some very effective "impromptu" miracles. Its use is similar to a Thumb Tip, except that this gimmick gives you a much larger load capacity than a Thumb Tip. It works at the tip of an ordinary ball pen instead of your Thumb, allowing you to show your hands very freely before and after. The pen is used as an impromptu Magic Wand and some special features, make the loading and unloading of the tip almost automatic in working.

You can do many effects with this gimmick, like vanishing and producing a silk or even changing the color of a silk. You can produce salt from your empty hand, or water from a borrowed currency note rolled up in a cylinder. You can perform a very neat cut and restored rope or ribbon and many other similar effects.

The gimmick we supply comes to you made from seamless spun aluminum, painted flesh color complete with a ball pen which is quite ordinary in all respects except for being the correct shape and size for use with the gimmick. You can carry and use the pen for everyday use, and with the gimmick loaded you are ready to "show a trick" when ever or where ever you please. We supply the gimmick, pen and detailed illustrated instructions for handling the gimmick and several of the tricks you can perform with it.

Itemid: fu-10800
Available: 4
Weight: 0.030
Price: $4.50
Utility Tube by Uday
Utility Tube by Uday
A great utility prop to switch silks or other items.
Itemid: ud-10234
Available: 4
Weight: 0.070
Price: $12.00
Vanishing Carlsberg Beer, Extra Labels by Norm Nielsen
Vanishing Carlsberg Beer, Extra Labels by Norm Nielsen
Vanishing Carlsberg Beer Extra Labels. These are self-adhesive labels.
Itemid: nn-10121
Available: 4
Weight: 0.010
Price: $3.00
Vanishing Coca-Cola Bottle, Extra Labels by Norm Nielsen
Vanishing Coca-Cola Bottle, Extra Labels by Norm Nielsen
In certain areas of the country, and in many countries, the Coca-Cola logo is in white with a red background. These are the labels for these bottles and they are self-adhesive.
Itemid: nn-10123
Available: 19
Weight: 0.010
Price: $2.00
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