The performer shows that the backs of all the cards are blank, except for the two the spectator freely chose, which are signed on the back and when put together create a special message!
Comes complete with full-color, printed cards, velvet carrying bag and instructional CD-Rom.
A simple and easy to use rising card effect, with a much stronger visual impact than many other rising card effects.
The performer has one or more cards selected from an examined and shuffled deck. The selections are free and fair, no forces and the cards can be signed if you wish. The selected cards are replaced and shuffled into the deck. The deck is placed in a small chest, and the lid closed. The spectators call out their cards, one at a time. The performer gestures hypnotically! Eerily the lid of the box rises. Then the selected card rises from the box. It is removed, and the signature verified. The box is closed, and the experiment repeated for the next selection.
There are no strings, clock work, motors or electronics, and no set up. It is all self contained in the special mechanical chest, which you can use with any deck of cards. It is a first rate effect, so we gave it a deluxe finish, crafted from select hardwood, lacquered in a natural wood finish, and designed to last for years. You may find cheaper models, but this is better value for money.
It works like any scissors should. Then you hand it to a spectator to help in your act, and the mayhem starts. When you hand him the scissors closed, he can't open it. So you open it for him, patiently teaching him how to use a pair of scissors, and hand it to him open.
And he can't close it. Repeat this a couple of times, and it is guaranteed to have your audience in splits.
This is one of the finest gag items ever created, and as good value (if not better) than any magician's gag prop, conceived or made. We have seen and used several models of this item, the finest being the "Golden Fun Shears" credited to Stanley Watson. This model has the most natural gimmicking ever done for this effect, so natural neither you, nor your spectators will find anything odd.
The item is made with a regular heavy duty pair of tailoring scissors and gimmicked better than any other model.
Not only does the spirit come, but it takes the form of a little demon, and is found nestled in the performer's cupped hands. The hands are once again opened, the demon has vanished!
Again the hands are cupped an incantation made, but... no demon! The spectator is asked to take a peek inside the performer's hands. Suddenly without warning, a firey glow appears in the performer's cupped hands and the demon appears, eyes blazing with an evil glow, as if he has just surfaced from the bowels of hell itself! Feeling the need to gain control of this evil, the performer chants a vanishing spell, and opens his hands. The glow and the demon are both gone! Back to hell where they belong!
This visible elevator appearance is otherworldly - like a Hollywood special effect.
You suddenly whisk the silk away to reveal - a drink! You can hand the drink to a spectator to drink - it's real! The production looks so good, words don't do it justice. Check out the online movie - you'll be blown away!
Drink Up! is a startling new method for making a drink appear. Your hands are clearly empty, and both sides of the silk can be displayed prior to the production. There are no body loads, and it works with any glass of liquid.
Drink Up! completely revolutionizes the drink production because it's practical, workable and simple to learn. The bottom line is, you'll be producing drinks and making friends everywhere. Bottoms up!
Drink Up! comes with a self-contained silk that does almost all the work for you. It fits in your front pocket like an ordinary hanky, and is ready to go at any time. Additionally, it's reversable - so you can perform Drink Up! with the highly reflective shimmering gold, or the more understated and elegant black.
Drink Up includes the custom-made gimmick, the specially designed silk and professionally produced video CD.
A large SOLID knitting needle is shown and pushed RIGHT THROUGH THE BAG PENETRATING THE MIRROR!
That's not all! Now... you push the needle through again and again in several different spots!
Same mirror is removed & again passed for examination.
Complete with specially made frame, mirror, cloth bag, knitting needle and complete routine.
Three cards are selected from a deck of cards. The cards are returned to the deck. The deck is shuffled and placed in an attractive wood houlette. You pick up the houlette and walk into the audience. Within inches of the audience, you ask someone to blow on the box, apparently to make the selected cards rise. But it seems they blew too hard! Instantly the three chosen cards fly out of the box and flutter to the stage.
No threads, no hook up. No motors, no sand. This is an intriguing and entertaining prop for your act. (If you have the book, you can check it out) We have produced this ancient effect as a quality prop, in wood, with inlay trimmings, and durably polished. A prop the Professor would have approved of. It comes complete with instructions - you use your own deck of cards.
From J B Magic comes a super clean super visual 2 coin transposition. 2 coins, 1 chinese and 1 half dollar are examined by the spectator. The chinese coin is placed inside the spectators closed hands and the half dollar onto the back of their hand. In the blink of an eye the 2 coins change places. Without any switches etc the 2 coins can instantly once again be examined.
Comes complete with all coins, a prcecision made gaff. A step by step instructional dvd teaches you everything you need to know and extra bonus handlings.
Easy to do, perfect for strolling, intanst reset, learn in 10 mins.
Running Time Approximately 45 min.
That's Right You never Load the Card!
Mason's Mirage Wallet is an ingenious device that will allow you to perform a no palm, signed card to wallet. Immediately the Mirage Wallet is opened & their signed card is clipped inside. Mechanical gimmick allows the card to be seen as you pull the card out.
This self-working prop will amaze every audience both young and old! Sure to add plenty of laughs to your show. The stick itself has a dazzling, glittery look that gives it that extra something. A high-quality prop made to last hundreds of performances.
The Glitter Pom Pom Stick is approximately 11 inches long.
Manufactured in the USA.
Card Castles have long been a staple of manipulation acts and here is one with a twist!
One side appears to be made up of Master card credit cards and the other side made of Visa credit cards. Made of sturdy plastic, this castle works beautifully time after time.
A perfect ending for any manipulation act or as a comic punch line to any routine using money.
The card castle folds flat and is opened instantly by simply lifting to produce a castle 18 inches high!
Comes ready-to-use in a plastic carrying case.
This is good clean easy to do magic for your children show, and a classic turn around effect on a wooden base the audience are shown a photo of two birds sitting on a wall. The magician explain that he will make the birds disappear, and in order to do that he cover the plaque with a silk (not supplied) and now the magician put one hand under the silk and pretend with his hand to let the birds fly away saying fly away Peter fly away Paul, in the same movement he turn the plaque around to show that the birds has gone. At this state the young audience will protest and telling you that you turned it around. Ok the magician says, I will bring them back, once again the plaque is covered with the silk and turning it around to show that the birds are back, the young audience will protest harder and jelling, YOU TURNED THEM AROUND. After some by-play the magician promise to do the trick one last time, so once again he covers the plaque turn it around and remove the silk. And there on the wall is a photo of a big cat. The cat has eaten the birds.
Delivered complete with instructions and ready to work right away.
Comes complete with black acrylic resin wallet, gimmick cards and instruction sheet.
The Recollection Technique - This technique and the Eight Observations that led to its development will change your magic forever! It forms the foundation of all Tony's work, and can be used in the construction of everything from a single effect to an entire performance! With this calculator, you can create many mind-reading effects. You write a prediction. Several spectators are asked to freely write down numbers and to make different kinds of calculations with these figures (multiply, add, deduct, etc.) using the calculator. The final result that they obtain with the calculator will match your prediction! The great thing about the Mental Calculator is that you can use it as a normal calculator. You control the number that you want to force (up to 8 digits), and you can change it every time to suit your needs. Spectators can check the calculator even after you have entered your secret number.
Fully Examinable for Hours & Hours! And Works as a Standard Master Lock!
Show a Master Padlock, it completely functions, locks & unlocks with the key.
BUT its under your control at all times, this is a beauty 1,000's of rotines & uses!
This lock defies gravity! It's made to open & close by just tilting the lock itself in a certain manner! But then is examinable to anyone. Feel assured to hand the lock & key out for examination, it's no longer a Newton Gravity Lock until reset!
And no, it isn't concealed in the tray, which is a slim tray, just half an inch thick!
This is big stage magic, and comes complete and ready to use, with the large stainless steel bowl, powder coated metal tray, decorative cloth foulard, and full working instructions.
Handcrafted metal work, on a design by Prof Hoffman from a century ago, this magic prop is a piece of craftsmanship you will be proud to own and use.
It measures when closed: 4,5 x 4,6 x 2,5 Inch and when open it measures 4,5 x 4,6 x 5,5 Inch in locked position.