He shows the halves of two different bumper stickers saying, If you cut them in half and mismatch them, the results can be interesting. (The audience will laugh at a couple of the combinations, we designed them for that purpose.)
Placing a business envelope in full view, he continues, There are halves of two different bumper suckers in here (they can be seen through the address window) that usually combine with others to get an amusing reaction.
One of you will choose another half from these, the performer continues, spreading the stack of severed stickers face up for a nearby participant. As you can see, there are more than two dozen random possibilities. Which one would you like.
After the helper freely chooses one of the halves the Mentalist instructs, That was an intentional choice, influenced perhaps by color or subject matter. Next, you will select one unseen.
He turns the stack of half-stickers face down and reminds, Because it's selected blindly, and randomly, it will be a surprise for both of us
I'll keep you in suspense a moment longer, remarks the performer, as he withdraws one of the sticker-halves from the envelope (with its back toward the audience) to align with the unseen sticker-half.
This combination doesn't work, the performer informs, tucking it back in the envelope and pulling out the other one inside. Hopefully this combination will be better. He aligns it with the randomly selected half, smiles, and tucks the pair partially in his breast pocket, still (and always) fully visible to the audience.
Let's try the half sticker you picked earlier, suggests the Mentalist, reaching for the participant's piece. He aligns it with the remaining half from the envelope and his eyebrows go up. Well, this is weird, remarks the entertainer. He turns them around: they are opposite ends of the same bumper sticker!
But I promised you something funny, reminds the Mentalist, removing the pair of half-stickers from his breast pocket. And this is funny! He holds them up for everyone to see; the second pair is also a perfect match!
You get everything you need to perform this outstanding routine, bumper stickers, an ungimmicked window envelope, a special something and instructions. The bumper stickers are printed on glossy card stock and pre-cut into halves. There is a simple, one-time setup task that takes ten minutes or less and you're good to go for years to come.
This is of course just one possible effect, as the Dove Pan is a classic magic prop and several routines and presentation ideas with this have appeared in magic books and magazines. You can use it to magically Bake a Cake or turn an egg into a chicken, and so on.
This is a large size dove pan, approximately 22.5 cm (9 inch) in diameter, 15 cm (6 inch) in height and a pan depth of 7 cm (2.75 inch) manufactured in seamless heavy gauge stainless steel and comes to you with instructions and ideas for its use.
The ring is untied and slowly pulled off of the lace and given back to the spectator...no switches!
You never bend down or go anywhere near your shoe at any point during the effect. The same borrowed ring in your hand is the same borrowed ring that ends up hanging from the loop of your shoelace seconds later!
What To Expect:You will learn how to cause any borrowed ring to vanish and appear tied to your own shoelace! You receive all the props, plus a full length DVD featuring all the moves, tips, handlings and subtleties. Get ready to blow away your audience with Interlace The miracle ring on shoelace.
Comes complete with props, DVD and 24 page, photo-illustrated booklet.
Placing blade on bare flesh, you pierce a fingertip and squeeze out a single drop of blood.
Again, both hands are seen to be completely empty except for the single drop of blood on your fingertip.
You carefully show both sides of a fingertip from your other hand... and slowly press it down onto the drop of blood. You silently wait there for a moment... fingertip to fingertip. You slowly lift one finger... and the drop of blood is gone! In its place, perched on the end of your finger, is a living breathing ladybug!
The creation of life...on the tip of your finger.
Read the Bottom Shocking Climax!
The magician introduces his friend Lily, the ladybug. The children see a large, colorful flat figure, 14 inches high and 10 inches wide, which can be seen even on a large stage.
What do you think, how old is Lily? Immediately the children shout four, because they can see that Lily has four spots. This starts off a jolly game in which the spots change all the time.
First of all there are four spots on one side and two on the other. Then there are six and three. Suddenly one of them has disappeared and there are only five.
All the children are looking for the lost sixth spot. Finally the children pretend to throw this spot to Lily. What a surprise! Since so many children have thrown a spot, Lily now has at least 20 SPOTS! You might think that the trick is now finished, but no, the new spots that have just APPEARED & TURN SILVER!
Boretti has thoroughly revised the old points card and created a completely new game. The previous you've been fooled effect has been done away with so there is no disappointment on the part of the children.
NO Strings, NO Magnets! Easy to transport! Suitable for all ages!
This is a first class Close-Up Case that is perfect for storing and transporting your close-up act. The case has a drawer with 9 compartments for easy storage of your selected tricks. It also has a carrying handle. The case measures 34 cm x 42 cm x 5 cm.
The Invisible Hand is an amazing device that allows you to perform miracle effects in close up, parlor or stage magic at any moment during your act. In this DVD set you will learn 29 astonishing effects.
In Volume One, you'll see the history of the Hold Out and the background of the Invisible Hand. You'll see the legendary Kepplinger, an original Jack Miller Hold Out and other models. Furthermore, you'll find a detailed description of The Invisible hand, setting, basic moves and advanced techniques and subtleties. Finally you'll watch and learn one of the most beautiful effects you can do with the Invisible Hand: "The Silk Story."
In the second DVD you'll learn in detail more than ten powerful parlor routines. These are professional and audience tested routines. Watch and learn amazing and wonderful version of Rising Card, Cut and Restored Rope, Bending Spoon, Dancing Silk, Bill in Pen, Newspaper Test and many more.
The third DVD explains incredible stage and close up effects. Moreover you'll find a unique version of the famous Vanishing Birdcage in which the magician takes off his coat in front of the audience after the vanishing, INCREDIBLE!
Watch and Learn all the wonder effects:
Running time approximately 3 hours.
For over 12 years & 1000's of performances and NOW PERFECTED! The audience will stare in disbelief as their finger ring suspends, floats up, down, left, right and finally back onto your finger.
Start clean, end clean! Perform anytime in your act! Perfect for strolling magic!
Bonus DVD Effect:
Features his amazing floating and rising card routine. A freely selected card floats up to two feet from a regular deck into your awaiting fingertips.
One of the Best Kept Secrets in all of Magic.
Includes Special Sorcery Boss Reel & DVD.
Wrapping rubber bands around the deck you toss it to an audience member across the room and ask them to peek at any card. The deck is then passed to another person to do the same. Without any questions you name their selected cards.
Finally you ask two people to join you on stage. Removing the rubber bands from the deck you hand half the deck to each spectator and ask them to place the cards inside their pocket. The two spectators reach inside their pockets and remove any card and place it in another pocket, without looking at it. You write something on a piece of paper and hand it to an audience member. Both of the unknown cards are removed and named out loud for the first time.
Your prediction is an EXACT MATCH!
OCTOPUS DECK DETAILSChemicals Not Supplied. Not for sale to persons under 18!