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143 Items in Category: Coin & Money

Floating Money/Currency
Floating Money/Currency
A currency Bill placed on your open hand magically floats in mid-air. Another currency bill may be passed under this, to prove there are no supports. Properly presented this is a most effective close-up illusion. Practice the handling, and you will be amply rewarded by the results. Comes to you complete with apparatus and instruction.
Itemid: fu-10372
Available: 12
Weight: 0.010
Price: $2.50
Flying Coins
Flying Coins
Performer shows two plastic cups or vases. Four coins are tipped out of each vase. These are dropped back, four in each vase. The performer mimes removing one coin invisibly from one vase and tossing it into the other. When the vases are tipped over again, three coins emerge from one vase, and five coins from the other. One coin has apparently traveled from one vase to the other. The coins are replaced and this is repeated, with one coin repeatedly vanishing from one vase and re-appearing in the other, till all eight coins have gathered in the same vase.

Once you know the basic principle, you can modify this basic routine for six coins or four, as you wish.

Itemid: fu-10381
Available: 17
Weight: 0.050
Price: $3.95
Folding Chinese Coin, Internal by Tango Magic
Folding Chinese Coin, Internal by Tango Magic
Tango Magic High Line Coin Magic.

A Folding Coin Built INSIDE another Folding Coin. Internal Folding System ONLY from Tango Magic! The magician takes a Chinese coin and an empty bottle. He requests a spectator who takes the bottle for the peak and strikes the bottom of the bottle with the coin, and it crosses the bottom of the bottle. Afterwards he shows that the coin is really inside the bottle, the magician waves the bottle and the coin goes out of it. Immediately he gives to examine the coin and the bottle. Comes with Internal piece and Leather pouch!

Itemid: tm-10143
Available: 3
Weight: 0.020
Price: $30.00
Folding Coin Internal, Half Dollar, 50 Cent by Tango Magic
Folding Coin Internal, Half Dollar, 50 Cent by Tango Magic
Tango Magic High Line Coin Magic.

A Folding Coin Built INSIDE another Folding Coin. Internal Folding System ONLY from Tango Magic! The magician takes Half Dollar and an empty bottle. He requests a spectator who takes the bottle for the peak and strikes the bottom of the bottle with the coin, and it crosses the bottom of the bottle. Afterwards he shows that the coin is really inside the bottle, the magician waves the bottle and the coin goes out of it. Immediately he gives to examine the coin and the bottle. Comes with Internal piece and Leather Pouch!

Itemid: tm-10145
Available: 1
Weight: 0.020
Price: $30.00
Folding Coin,  Rupee Set
Folding Coin, Rupee Set
This is not an original coin, the originals now cost ten times as much as what we charge for their silver and antique value. These coins are made from base metal, and heavily silver plated to look exactly like the originals, and give you years of life under normal use. Unlike special tokens with a magical design, these will be accepted as genuine coins. You could use these coins naturally any where in the world, with equal effect. What better coins to perform magic with than these ancient or antique coins from India, the land of magic!

The coins are exactly the size of the American half Dollar or old English Penny. This enables you to use the coins with the many standard props like the Okito Box, Boston Box, Another Coin Box, etc., made specifically for use with this size of coin.

The large size makes them perfect for all manipulation effects and sleights, stage items like the Miser's Dream, or virtually any coin routine.

Folding Coin Set, comprising of one finely gimmicked Folding Rupee, One matching ungimmicked Rupee, supply of special folding coin bands, and an 8 page booklet of routines for this item.

Itemid: fu-10384
Available: 1
Weight: 0.050
Price: $4.50
Folding Coin, Quarter Dollar, 25 Cent by Tango Magic
Folding Coin, Quarter Dollar, 25 Cent by Tango Magic
Tango Magic High Line Coin Magic.

Super Deceptive Cutting - Tango Perfection! The magician takes a Quarter and an empty bottle. He requests a spectator who takes the bottle from the peak and strikes the bottom of the bottle with the coin, and it crosses the bottom of the bottle. afterwards he shows that the coin is really inside the bottle, The magician waves the bottle and the coin comes out of it. Immediately he gives to examine the coin and the bottle. Comes with Leather Pouch!

Itemid: tm-10146
Available: 3
Weight: 0.015
Price: $40.00
Gin and Tonic with English Quarter and Penny
Gin and Tonic with English Quarter and Penny
This is basically the same effect as scotch and soda, but on a smaller scale. A quarter and an English penny are used. Spectator holds both coins, and when he opens his hand, the quarter has disappeared and a nickel has taken its place. Completely undetectable. With instructions.
Itemid: rb-10212
Available: 1
Weight: 0.040
Price: $19.00
Hatching by Nefesch, Complete with instruction
Hatching by Nefesch, Complete with instruction
Suppose you could take an egg (which CAN be borrowed- though where the heck are you going to borrow an egg.) and a coin (which can be borrowed and more likely.) and have both of them marked by a spectator.

You then cause the coin to magically penetrate INSIDE the egg.

A small hole is chipped in the egg, big enough to pour out some of the egg goo, but small enough that a coin, which will be found INSIDE the egg, cannot escape. Spectator can look inside the hole and verify they see the coin AND their mark. Spectator can reach through the hole and grab the coin with tongs or tweezers and pull it out THROUGH the shell themselves AND can immediately verify that it IS the same coin they marked earlier.

No tricky sleights. Yes, there is a gimmick which you will have to create, but this takes less than 10 minutes once you have the knack, and many can be made at once and saved. You receive a manuscript giving you two versions of this effect, one totally impromptu, and another which thoroughly explains the gimmick.

All this is a nice 45 page booklet, complete with over 50 illustrational photo's.

Itemid: ms-11047
Available: 3
Weight: 0.100
Price: $27.00
Himber Wallet, Imitation Leather
Himber Wallet, Imitation Leather
The Himber Wallet is a change device for flat card and paper items, like currency notes or bills, playing or visiting cards, pay envelopes, paper slips and the like. Which is an understatement, like saying The Rolls Royce is just an automobile or David Copperfield is just a magician.

The Himber wallet is far superior to other change wallets, card boxes etc. The reason being that only items on one side of the wallet change while contents on the opposite panel stay the same, implying that no change was possible.

This is an economy model of the Himber Wallet and is made from imitation leather. It comes to you with instructions for handling the wallet.

Itemid: fu-10428
Available: 6
Weight: 0.100
Price: $18.00
Hole In The Head with CD by Ben Harris
Hole In The Head with CD by Ben Harris
For centuries rumors have blossomed: tales of gurus, shamans, mystics and the secret powers of the mysterious "Third Eye" have fascinated the populous. But, can the myth's reality actually be demonstrated? Now, Ben Harris brings this fantastic mystery to life creating a unique, freaky and visually-arresting effect one slick enough for even the most savvy of today's street-wise performers.

HOLE IN THE HEAD has been one of the art's most closely guarded secrets of recent times it has fooled, amused and delighted some of magic's biggest names. Using no mirrors or reflective devices and no stooges, HOLE IN THE HEAD is a radical and visual NEW PLOT an exciting piece of street-theatre that simply MUST be experienced live! What's more, it's 100% practical! This is a one person do anywhere illusion.

In effect, the performer gathers a crowd around himself in a brightly lit, sunny spot. Discussing the amazing legend, he offers to open his own Third Eye allowing the sun to shine right through his head. As this would be too dangerous to observe directly, he suggests that everyone focus attention on his shadow. After some concerted effort, a small blob of light appears in the centre of his shadow head. Amazingly, this blob of light then grows larger at his command. To prove that it is no mere optical illusion and that the light does indeed pass through his head, a spectator is asked to wave her hand behind the performer's cranium. Incredibly, when she does this, the actions are reciprocated in the shadow head her fingers are clearly visible in the shadow hole! THE CONCLUSION IS INESCAPABLE THE SUN IS INDEED SHINING STRAIGHT THROUGH A HOLE IN THE PERFORMER'S HEAD! The process is now reversed and the hole slowly closed. YOU CAN PERFORM THIS STUNNER VIRTUALLY ANYWHERE THE SUN SHINES. Complete with bonus handlings and clever ideas by Paul Harris and Michael Weber. YOU CAN EVEN OPEN A SPECTATOR'S OWN THIRD EYE!

"Bravo! Mind expanding magic, in every sense of the word! - MICHAEL AMMAR

"The rumors are true: Ben Harris does have a hole in his head. And it's surrounded by a brain filled with clever ideas, of which this one is delight." - Max Maven

Truly a wonderful thing... a totally original breakthrough plot. - PAUL HARRIS

...situational, astonishing and a devilishly clever piece of magic the best effect I've seen in a long time! - JOSHUA JAY

Something that's never been done before using a method that's never been used before very cool! - RICHARD KAUFMAN

Fooled me... you could probably start a religion with this!" - GARY KOSNITZKY

"Just remarkable, I love it! - RICHARD OSTERLIND

Open your Third Eye and let the sun shine through!

Comes complete with 12 page booklet, DVD.

Itemid: ms-10685
Available: 1
Weight: 0.075
Price: $19.50
Hooked Coin, 50 Cent Euro by Tango Magic
Hooked Coin, 50 Cent Euro by Tango Magic
Tango Magic High Line Coin Magic.

Ultimate Precision Coin Magic.

Many Many Routine Possible! One of the possible effects is the following one. A coin disappears from the hands of the magician. It reappears in the shoulder of a spectator.

Itemid: tm-10116
Available: 2
Weight: 0.015
Price: $13.50
Hooked Coin, Quarter, 25 Cent by Tango Magic
Hooked Coin, Quarter, 25 Cent by Tango Magic
Tango Magic High Line Coin Magic.

Ultimate Precision Coin Magic.

Many Many Routine Possible! One of the possible effects is the following one. A coin disappears from the hands of the magician. It reappears in the shoulder of a spectator.

Itemid: tm-10148
Available: 5
Weight: 0.015
Price: $14.00
Houdini Palming Coin
Houdini Palming Coin
If you want to perform close up Coin Magic, or stage coin effects like the Miser's Dream, you will find these coins great value. Specially made, with the picture of the famous Harry Houdini on one side, and the picture of Houdini in chains on the reverse, these coins speak a universal Magical language. You can perform with these coins any place, any where and there is no suspicion of a foreign coin, which could be "gimmicked". These are MAGICIANS COINS of the most famous magician of all times. They can be examined.

The coin are a very wee bit larger than the US Half dollar coin, but will fit into most gimmicks for the Half dollar Coin, like a Kellar Coin Catcher. They are ideal for effects like Spiked Coin, or a 50C size Coin Slide.

This Coin are made of Aluminum, and extremely light. You can palm a dozen or more of these with ease. Yet they are metal, (not plastic) and will sound like coins when handled, or thrown into a metal container.

Finished in a natural polish silver finish, the coin will retain their bright appearance, and the finish will not flake or tarnish like plated coins.

We supply the Coin without any instructions - you use them for any Coin trick you like. Or get a copy of "Bobo's Modern Coin Magic" for 100s of tricks you can do with this.

Itemid: fu-11017
Available: 11
Weight: 0.005
Price: $1.50
Hypno-Bill by Phanthomas
Hypno-Bill by Phanthomas
One of the most visual bill changes you will ever see!

The performer clearly shows both sides of a bill and otherwise empty hands. He folds the bill once in half, and simply by waving one hand over the front of the bill once, it changes before the audience's eyes!

An almost hypnotic experience, Hypno-Bill really is this smooth and visual. Carry it in your wallet and you'll be ready to amaze anywhere, anytime.

  • Ideal for table-hopping and walk-around close-up performances.
  • Resets automatically.
  • Gimmick can be made in 15 minutes or less.

You receive the fully photo-illustrated, 6 page manuscript on how to easily construct the necessary gimmick.

Itemid: ms-10218
Available: 2
Weight: 0.025
Price: $16.00
Incredible Shrinking Dime by Frederico
Incredible Shrinking Dime by Frederico
The picture tells the story. The magician shows a penny and dime to a spectator. Placing the coins in his closed fist, he squeezes them together tightly.

When his hands are opened, the dime has been turned into a miniature version of its former self.

Everything can now be examined. The trick is practically self-working and can be performed minutes after you open the package.
Itemid: fi-10210
Available: 1
Weight: 0.010
Price: $6.95
Instant Big O Buck
Instant Big O Buck
Here it is! The Instant Big O Buck. This effect has been around since the 50s but we have made it affordable for magicians and clowns. Carry it in your coat pocket and create laughter everywhere you perform it. Do it in trade shows.

Display one dollar bill; make a statement that when you first started in magic I made small bucks. Now I made Big Bucks.

Itemid: rb-10411
Available: 1
Weight: 0.015
Price: $9.95
Jiffy Coin Trick by Royal
Jiffy Coin Trick by Royal
A spectator's own coin marked by them can be placed in your pocket and instantly is then found sealed inside a bag, which is inside two sets of rubber-banded metal covers, which are in turn inside an envelope. So simple to do, but defies logic.
Itemid: fi-10270
Available: 11
Weight: 0.055
Price: $3.00
Jumbo Metal Coin, Five Cents, 3 Inch
Jumbo Metal Coin, Five Cents, 3 Inch
This is a huge 3 inch diameter Metal Coin, Fice Cents.

The use is limited only by your imagination.

Itemid: rb-10427
Available: 2
Weight: 0.075
Price: $3.00
Jumbo Metal Coin, One Cent, 3 Inch
Jumbo Metal Coin, One Cent, 3 Inch
This is a huge 3 inch diameter Metal Coin, One Cent.

The use is limited only by your imagination.

Itemid: rb-10428
Available: 3
Weight: 0.075
Price: $3.00
Jumbo Plastic Coin, One Cent
Jumbo Plastic Coin, One Cent
Highly detailed and almost 3 Inch in diameter, this unusual coin is perfect for magic shows, children's parties, etc. Well made.
Itemid: rb-10430
Available: 77
Weight: 0.005
Price: $1.50
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