The card that has been signed by the spectator is found inside the wallet after much comedy, it really is Wayne Dobson's comedic talent that makes this routine great.
You get a Mini Himber wallet plus Wayne's full routine.
Complete with full colored grids, cards and routine.
A deck is introduced with the name of a person written on the back of every card. Two predictions are handed out, whereupon the magician accurately divines both a FREELY CHOSEN CARD and a FREELY CHOSEN NAME in a stunning double prediction!
No sleights, no forces - just incredibly clean magic! Simon Lovell called it "Fantastic!", and Hank Lee called it "a killer card routine - it'll fool even those in-the-know!"
Comes complete with an illustrated booklet and with the special Bicycle Poker Size Deck.
A small die is handed to your friend who is asked to look at the pictures on the die. There is a happy face, a sad face, a sad face, and an angry face all pictured. While you look away, the die is placed into a round chamber and handed to you. You instantly announce which face is facing up in the sealed chamber.
The performer opens a common magnetic pocket phone number book, about the size of a business card. The pages of the book are shown all around and on all sides and the spectators verify that the numbers and names in the book are all different.
A participant opens the book to any page while holding the book in her own hands. She sees two different names and numbers on her chosen pages. The participant simply thinks of one of these secret phone numbers, and the performer immediately begins to call out the area code, and the full number the participant has chosen! He even gives the initials of the person to whom the number belongs!
But that's not all-the performer mentions that most people think this must be some sort of trick. "Would you like to see the trick?" the performer teases. "It's simple really. You see, I wrote that very number down a long time ago." Sure enough, the initials and phone number only thought-of by the spectator have been predicted on the back of a photo, a napkin, another business card - you name it. The prediction was in full view before the address book is ever introduced.
No memory needed. No pumping-one "miss" at most, and then all is 100% correct. No multiple outs. The paper with the prediction is the only one used. No impression devices. You may carry and use the magnetic address/phone book as your actual pocket phone book. No sleights. No nail or other on-the-spot writing.
Comes complete with instructions and the address/phone book, with the cover as designed by Kenton. You supply your own handwriting and phone numbers. A miracle in your pocket which can be performed close-up or on stage. Complete with "Trance Illusion" notes and cover.
Richard Osterlind's DESIGN DUPLICATION SYSTEM caused quite a sensation last year when it first saw print in ESSAYS and now, all of the components have been specially produced for you to put this miracle of thought projection into your act almost immediately.
Here's what the audience sees: The mentalist displays a stack of cards with the names of different objects written on them. A spectator freely chooses one and can change his mind if he wishes. He is now given a pad and asked to draw a picture of his object. The mentalist also takes a pad and draws a design on his from across the room. When the two pictures are compared, they are almost identical!
You receive the special set of cards, printed on quality, glossy stock and a booklet outlining the complete routine. Remember that this is not just a method - it's a system that you'll find easy to adapt to your own personal style of performing that utilizes one of the most diabolically subtle principles in mentalism.
Werry handed a pen (any pen!) and a notepad (any notepad!) to a spectator. He then asked the spectator to think of any easy geometrical shape, like a star, a circle, a triangle or something similar and to note it down on the paper. After that, he instructed the spectator to think of other geometrical shapes and to draw them any place on the paper, so that the first thought-off shape could not be determined. All this was done while Werry was turned away from the audience or not even in their presence!
Werry then took the notepad and pen back from the spectator and marked four of the five drawings with an X, leaving only one shape: The one the spectator thought off!
Yes, the special gimmicked pen gives you the information on the thoughts of the spectator!
Werry's Pen-Sation works with any word, number, name, color, brand, birthday-dates, geometrical shapes and much more, nearly everything you can think off!
A very exciting living and dead test is also described in the instruction!
It is a very easy to do trick and requires a simple move well known to most magicians.
Ask four audience members to think of a number, a color, a girl's name and a playing card. Their selections are written down and clipped to a handsome clear plastic board, then is inserted into a frame. These selections are in FULL VIEW AT ALL TIMES!
The magician correctly predicts each item and each paper is removed from the board to verify it!
A Prediction is written and given to another spectator for safe keeping. The spectator is asked to stack the chips, in any order, following a simple process. When the stack is complete, the prediction is found correct, the color of top and bottom chips of the stack match the prediction made by the performer.
The effect can be repeated as often as you wish, with different results at every repetition. A very clever, self working effect, that you can perform as soon as you read the instructions.
It's the feeling you know what someone else is thinking.
We do.
We also believe that Prediction In Color will prove your ability to demonstrate clairvoyance without using slates, flaps, sliding panels or suspect sleight of hand. Prediction In Color can be carried in your pocket and be adapted to any size audience, just by writing on bigger size paper. Prediction In Color is so clever the audience can completely examine the predictions, unlike many boards & slates. Experts will be unable to explain your performance & lay audiences will give you credit for powers above that of mortal man!
A sheet of paper of any size and three blank cards, of any size, are introduced. Three volunteers are asked to help with this experiment of clairvoyance. When you're done they will believe in magic. Every move is slow and deliberate. Our special gimmicks do all the work.
The first volunteer is asked to silently think of his age or the age of anyone in the room. The mentalist brings forth a red crayon. A red line is drawn across the sheet of paper approximately one third of the way down the sheet. The mentalist writes a prediction, in red, on the first card. This card is immediately set, face down, on the table or foot of the stage and will not be touched until the revelation at the end of the routine. The mentalist asks the volunteer to call out his number so it can be written on the sheet of paper. The number is written, with the red crayon, above the red line.
The second volunteer thinks of any three letter word and the mentalist brings out a second crayon & scribbles on the sheet to show that the crayon is green. The prediction is written on the second card which is set face down next to the first prediction and will not be moved until the final revelation. The green crayon is used to draw the three letter word that the volunteer now calls out. The green crayon is put away and a brown crayon introduced and is used to draw a line completing three sections to the sheet of paper.
The third volunteer thinks of the last two digits of their phone number, a prediction is made with the brown crayon. The prediction is set next to the other two. The volunteer calls out his numbers and they are written, in brown, on the sheet of paper.
Any one of the volunteers is asked to pick up the index cards and compare the predictions to what is written on the tablet. The three smaller cards each bear the exact and correct predictions of the thought of numbers and words & they are in the exact appropriate colors.
"Each time a prediction was made I used a different color to identify that number or word" states the performer. He continues "In the past I've encountered people with similar numbers, which is why it was important to use three different colors. This will prove that there could not be any confusion in my thinking. Each person had their mind read, the thought written on their own separate sheet and the different colors are used to show that each thought was specific and exact."
Points to remember:Additional information for the experts: The cards are set down immediately after your prediction so the audience knows the prediction was written before the volunteer called out his thoughts. When only one color is used per card and only written once the only explanation can be that the mentalist is indeed gifted with the powers of clairvoyance. It really is something to see.
We supply crayons, paper and very well written instructions, by Jay Leslie, that will guide you through the routine. Colors may vary from the ones mentioned above.
You shuffle them very well and also give them to a spectator to shuffle. Then you wrap the cards with a rubber band and while the spectator is on the other side of the room you ask him to lift up any card and remember the shape.
Finally ask the spectator to name the chosen shape and open the envelope revealing the matching prediction.
The performer can also take the pen and proceed with his psychic power to bend the pen, which then can be handed out for examination. A real demonstration of PSI POWER!
Comes complete with special set of pens and gimmick. Use any pen and paper for mind-reading effect.
The spectator is asked to use their thumb to squeeze down on the card and snake. When the snake senses that the chosen card is on its back, it snaps up and coils around the card. Amazingly the psychic snake has correctly selected the spectator's card!
Use any currency!
A bestseller since the 1970's! Note: The trick Killer Red Caps by Roger Monaco uses a similar principle as our Psycho Caps. Killer Red Caps hit the market in the late 90's. Our Psycho Caps is sold since the 1970's!
Comes complete with four precision made caps and detailed instructions. Use your own coin.
The prop supplied by us for this effect comprise of a wooden stand, a glass sheet with four pegs to hook the bulldog clips on, and four miniature bulldog clips. In addition to this you will require some paper slips (about 4 inch long and 3 inch wide is a good size) and a pen to write with, (a bold felt or marker pen is preferable for a large audience), and the instructions that make this a simple, subtle, and very effective mental miracle.
Removing three lists of numbers (from 100 to 1000) from your wallet and three envelopes, you invite three spectators to each select a number card and an envelope. Because each envelope has two windows cut into it, each spectator selects two numbers on his chosen card, at random.
Once the numbers are selected, the magician is instantly able to reveal the total of the six numbers that have been selected!
The numbers are different on all of the cards, and this works nothing like the old Age Cards. It's a baffling mathematical masterpiece, and easy to do!