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353 Items in Category: Stage

Oddball  by Royal
Oddball by Royal
Visually stunning!

The magician shows his spectators a solid wooden ball, a clear plastic case and two cords. The cords are threaded through a hole in the ball, which is placed inside of the case. The cords are then threaded through holes in the sides of the case. The magician then ties the spectator's finger to the case with the cords.

The spectator then watches as the cords visibly penetrate the ball, case and their finger.

The props supplied do all the work for you. No sleight of hand required. No complicated gimmicks to break, no complicated moves to remember.

Itemid: ms-10742
Available: 10
Weight: 0.025
Price: $3.50
Okito Glass, Plus
Okito Glass, Plus
The Okito Glass is one of the classic props used in a variety of effects. Basically the apparatus functions as a Bottomless Glass, which will also hold liquid.

In our version of this item we supply a two part prop. The outer shell is a Regular Bottomless Glass, and the inner fake constructed just like the traditional Okito Glass.

The inner fake can be used by itself to serve the function of an Okito Glass. When used with the outer shell glass there are some advantages, (and a few additional effects possible).

Special glass set with detailed instructions for many tricks.

Itemid: fu-10588
Available: 5
Weight: 0.185
Price: $16.00
Omelette Pan by Morrissey Magic
Omelette Pan by Morrissey Magic
Anyone who wants to perform the classic cake baking trick needs this Omelette Pan from Morrissey. Allows you to create magical, apparently messy mixtures and then fix the problem with a startling production.

High quality craftsmanship, on par with the rest of the Morrissey line. Made in Canada.

Itemid: fi-10275
Available: 3
Weight: 0.150
Price: $24.00
On Foot by R. Sanders & P. Raymond
On Foot by R. Sanders & P. Raymond
The Miracle Ring on Shoelace!

The magician borrows a spectator's finger ring and places it under a handkerchief. The ring can be seen and felt by the spectator until the very last second, when the handkerchief falls open and the ring has completely vanished! Moments later, the magician points to his shoe and the spectator's ring is seen hanging from one of the loops in his laces! The loop is untied and the spectator himself slides the ring off the lace!

Comes complete with fully-illustrated 12-page booklet, special gimmick and laces.

Itemid: ms-10739
Available: 3
Weight: 0.045
Price: $30.00
Oreo Bite Out Cookie Surprise
Oreo Bite Out Cookie Surprise
Take a bite out of an Oreo. Yes, put it up to your lips and take a bite. A piece of the Oreo is gone! Then gently blow on the Oreo and the Oreo is instantly whole again! The effect is simple but really startling! Easy to do!

This miracle of magic is astonishing and astonishingly easy to do. The Oreo will do all the work for you, it even shows the bite mark!

This trick is truly self-working. Best of all, you can repeat the trick immediately, as many times as you want. No re-setting the trick, no sleight of hand. Just incredible responses from your spectators!

Itemid: cs-10049
Available: 34
Weight: 0.025
Price: $3.00
Osmosis Bottle Illusion by Alex Lourido
Osmosis Bottle Illusion by Alex Lourido
Sure, your buddies can smash beer cans on their foreheads and can probably shatter bottles on them, too. That's all wonderful, but, after polishing off a cold one, can they slap the label through to the inside? Well, now You can! Imagine the look on your spectators' faces as you do the impossible. After accomplishing this amazing feat, take it down and pass it around! They won't believe their eyes!

Effect includes everything you need to do this amazing trick, including bottle and complete instructions.

Itemid: ms-10680
Available: 1
Weight: 0.255
Price: $55.00
Paint Surprise by Devin Knight
Paint Surprise by Devin Knight
The most anticipated Devin Knight trick is now available. This trick has been one of Devin's most commercial effects. Magicians worldwide have clamored for Devin to release this. The wait is over.

Paint Surprise is one of the most unusual tricks ever created. Based on an early idea from John Moyer, Devin Knight has taken the borrowed ring effect to a NEW level.

Performer asks to borrow a ring from an audience member. You state you will MARK the ring so it can be identified later on. You bring out a can of black spray paint and begin to shake it, stating you will mark the ring with some black paint. The audience howls with laughter at this point. As you shake the can, they hear the metal ball inside the paint can mixing the paint, it's a loud clanging noise. Suddenly, the noise changes to a softer tingle!

What? Something is wrong. You look over at the ring, but the ring is NO MORE. In your otherwise empty hand is the metal ball from inside the paint can. Could it be the person's ring is now inside the can? You shake it again and everyone can hear the ring inside the can. No longer is the clanking sound of a metal ball heard inside the can.

Magician says not to worry, there is a hole in the can and he can remove the ring that way. Removing the cap, you point to the hole in the nozzle and say you'll magically dissolve the ring and spray it out of nozzle. Yeah, right.

Picking up a blank index card, you spray a small black circle on the card. You now vigorously shake the paint can. Not a sound is heard inside -- nothing at all. This part alone is very baffling to any audience. You state that the black circle contains the ring material and will now return it to the spectator. Whoops, they need to sign for their ring. You hand them a pen and say sign your name on the card right under the circle.

You state that when the paint dries it will revert back to the ring. The signed card is then waved in the air to dry the paint. You then fold the card into quarters and show it COMPLETELY FLAT. Suddenly the card begins to swell as though something is inside. You ask the person to hold out their palm and the ring falls from the folded card.

Hand them the card to unfold. The black paint circle has vanished but their name is still signed on the card. They can keep the card to show to their friends.

Baffling beyond words and one of the strongest effects in Devin's show. Something they talk about long afterwards. Comes with special paint can, supply of index cards, metal paint balls and complete directions showing you everything you need to know. Easy to do with no difficult sleight of hand.


  • NO Real paint is used (although it appears to be) so no paint fumes

BONUS EFFECT INCLUDED: This is from Devin's strolling work and he uses it in strolling gigs all the time. Show a quarter, have it examined. Take it back and it becomes soft and pliable. In fact you start to bend it back and forth showing how easily it bends. Finally you take the soften quarter and roll the quarter into a little metal ball which you drop into the person's hand. You use the metal paint ball that comes with this trick to do the above effect. Explained in full detail.

Itemid: ms-11245
Available: 2
Weight: 0.450
Price: $69.00
Paper's Ghost by Nils Bennet
Paper's Ghost by Nils Bennet
Read your spectators mind!

Paper's Ghost gives you a universal gimmick that enables you to perform unbelievable mental effects.

Routine 1
Read your spectators thoughts! Ask a person to think of a number without naming it yet. You write down a prediction on a small pad and put the pen aside. Now the spectator says which number he has chosen loud and clear for the first time. You tear your prediction from the pad and hand over the piece of paper – exactly his number is written on it!

Routine 2
Swap roles for a change and show that your spectators are able to display an amazing mental phenomenon, too. Let one of your spectators read your mind. He has to name a number your are just thinking of. To check this you have written down the number before and you have put the piece of paper in a sealed envelope. The envelope is opened. The numbers match!

Routine 3
A spectator chooses one of three symbols you lay out for him. The piece of paper which has the chosen symbol on it is burned. Another piece of paper, which was previously shown empty and folded up again, is now held into the rising smoke. Then you open the piece of paper to show that exactly the previously chosen symbol has mysteriously appeared on it!

No additional gimmicks necessary!
Just a block of paper!

Comes completely with three in detail explained mental routines as well as more ideas for the use of this principle. And you get a high tech product that seems to be a normal scribbling block.

Itemid: my-10113
Available: 1
Weight: 0.090
Price: $25.00
Passe Passe Bottles and Glass, Set of 3, Plastic, Comedy
Passe Passe Bottles and Glass, Set of 3, Plastic, Comedy
The performer apparently shows two cylinders, under one of which is a bottle, and under the other a wine glass. The magician makes a Magic pass, and the bottle and wine glass are found to have changed places, with the bottle now appearing under the cylinder where the wine glass was, and vice versa. This is repeated a number of times and can be played for a lot of comedy.

For example an assistant can be chasing the bottle, and every time he selects a cylinder, he finds the wine glass under it, while the bottle appears under the other cylinder. After a few changes, as the magician is apparently talking to the audience, the assistant creeps up to both the cylinders and finds the bottle in one, which he steals away. He now smugly asks the magician to perform the trick again. The magician apparently unaware that the bottle has been stolen away, continues to perform the trick as before, leaving the assistant and the audience doubly amazed.

We supply you a set of three nested plastic bottles, two cylinders, and two glasses that can be filled with any liquid of your choice.

Itemid: fu-10600
Available: 2
Weight: 0.750
Price: $45.00
Passing Ring with DVD by Andy Comic
Passing Ring with DVD by Andy Comic
Magician shows ring and rope separately. The rope is fed through the ring, so that the ring hangs from the rope at the bottom. Magician gives ring a little tug, and it passes right through the rope! Next the rope is tied around the ring in a knot, and then ring is shown hanging. Once again, a small tug on the ring passes it through the rope! Rope is unharmed! Comes with DVD instructions.
Itemid: rb-10289
Available: 3
Weight: 0.060
Price: $10.00
Pasteboard Massacre by David Regal
Pasteboard Massacre by David Regal
This is a powerful and visual effect that is very easy to perform and is guaranteed to entertain.

A card is selected, signed and returned to the deck. You explain that you will now find the card by cutting to it. Using a playing card like a buzz saw, the massacre begins. The card is used to saw through the entire top half of the deck, splitting the top twenty-six cards in half. The card that is stopped at, beneath all the mutilation is the signed selection.

Everything may be handed-out for immediate examination and the cards are reusable. Comes complete with a special poker-size Bicycle deck and photo-illustrated instructions.

Itemid: fi-10196
Available: 4
Weight: 0.100
Price: $20.00
Phantom Tube
Phantom Tube
Magician shows a small tube. He lets his audience see completely through the tube, proving that it's empty. Now he covers the ends with tissue paper, forming a drumhead on the tube. Without ever taking the tube from the audience's view, the magician breaks the drumhead and produces a quantity of silks, card, coils, or just about anything else the secret load chamber will hold. Good magic!
Itemid: rb-10294
Available: 1
Weight: 0.245
Price: $12.50
Phone from Deck Cell Out, Red
Phone from Deck Cell Out, Red
A deck of cards held in the magician's hand transforms in one second into a cell phone. It can also change color, become a pack of cigarettes, candy or a bunch of business cards. An MP3/MP4 player, iPod, or any other object of this size can appear. This trick is highly effective for promotional purposes. Object can be immediately used and examined.
Itemid: rb-10410
Available: 3
Weight: 0.065
Price: $60.00
Polka Dot Fan Vanishing
Polka Dot Fan Vanishing

Performer displays a solid color fan freely on both sides. Paper spots are tossed into the air and fanned, and the fan is found to be Polka dotted with a spotted design on both sides. The effect can also be worked in reverse, starting with a Polka Dotted Fan, and shaking of the spots to leave a blank solid color fan.

Suitable for beginners, yet effective for any pro show. It can be used as a complete trick by itself, or to great effect in conjunction with similar tricks like the Polka Dot Silk, Metamorpho Spots trick etc. We supply you the mechanical ready to use fan, fan is approximately 6 1/2 inch long with a spread of over 12 inch when opened and instructions with presentation ideas at a very attractive price.

Itemid: fu-10624
Available: 1
Weight: 0.060
Price: $14.00
Pom Pom Stick, Magic Glitter
Pom Pom Stick, Magic Glitter
This fabulous stage and stand-up effect is bright, colorful, and magical! There is some kind of confusing connection between the different color pom-poms; an interesting and enthralling relationship. Pull the green one down, and the red one rises. Pull the yellow one, and it appears connected to the red as well. When one goes up, the other goes down. What's inside the stick that makes this relationship possible? Nothing - the stick is taken apart to show there is no visible connection that explains the actions of the pom-poms!

This self-working prop will amaze every audience both young and old! Sure to add plenty of laughs to your show. The stick itself has a dazzling, glittery look that gives it that extra something. A high-quality prop made to last hundreds of performances.

The Glitter Pom Pom Stick is approximately 11 inches long.

Manufactured in the USA.

Itemid: fi-10255
Available: 1
Weight: 0.170
Price: $50.00
Pom Pom Sticks, Glitter
Pom Pom Sticks, Glitter
Performer displays two rods, joined together, with a pair of large pom poms strung together at the ends. Pull on one pom pom, and it reveals that it is on a long string. Pull another pom pom, and the one at the other end goes up. Take the sticks apart to show that they aren't connected, then join them back, and carry on as before. This is a large size, for stage use, decorated in glitter silver film.
Itemid: rb-10432
Available: 2
Weight: 0.450
Price: $75.00
Pop Corn Dye Box by Tommy Windsor
Pop Corn Dye Box by Tommy Windsor
An innocent appearing popcorn size box is shown empty, on all sides. Performer then produces silks, cards, ropes, etc. Excellent for dyeing silks, restoring mutilated handkerchiefs, etc.

Instructions for 12 different tricks furnished. Absolutely no skill required. Every magician should have this excellent device. Highly recommended.

Itemid: rb-10178
Available: 11
Weight: 0.100
Price: $6.00
Pop Corn Factory
Pop Corn Factory
You show an empty bowl and then drop a few kernels of popping corn into the magic box. Within a few seconds, the box is filled with real popcorn! With this box you can transform sugar to candy, tobacco to cigarettes or flour to flowers. It is easy to do and will be a great addition to your magic act.
Itemid: rb-10301
Available: 2
Weight: 0.185
Price: $9.50
Power Pickpocket by Tom Burgeon and Goshman
Power Pickpocket by Tom Burgeon and Goshman

This is a great idea! And only Magic by Gosh could produce something so devious. Tom Burgoon is a comic genius, and as Mac King said, Tom's Power Pickpocket is just too cool!

The Power Pickpocket Gimmick gives the illusion of stealing your victim's wallet right in front of the audience! You can look through it, examine the insides, and then return it without the victim ever noticing!

Most of us magicians aren't adept at stealing wallets, but this is perfect for us! It requires absolutely no pick pocketing skill whatsoever. The included unique wallet does all the work for you.

You receive a very special foam wallet designed by Tom Burgoon and produced by Gosh. It's made from ultra-soft foam, easily manipulated like any sponge ball. However, the inside of the wallet holds numerous credit cards that look real! Burgoon has used this gag as part of his full comedy shows for years.

Itemid: go-10126
Available: 4
Weight: 0.020
Price: $12.00
Problematic Dice, Jumbo
Problematic Dice, Jumbo
The Problematic Dice effect is one of the more intriguing magic tricks with dice.

This is a jumbo size model of the item, suitable for presentation to a much larger audience. In effect performer displays a box measuring some 4.5 inch long, 3.52 inch wide and about 2 inch high. The box is opened, and the entire inside is seen to be occupied by six large dice, each dice measuring 1.5 inch on all sides.

There is absolutely no place in the box for anything else. The dice are arranged in the box to display all the six different numbers. The box is closed. Another large dice is now introduced, and the spectator asked to roll this. Let us presume he throws the number four. The box is opened, and all the dice have now re-arranged themselves in the box, with the four spots on top.

Although there is a force, we supply two loaded dice with the set, allowing you to repeat the effect before the same audience with a different number. Jumbo Problematic Dice comes to you complete with all the necessary dice (six jumbo dice plus two jumbo loaded dice), the plastic box, the necessary gimmicks and full working instructions. This is a mechanical self working effect which anyone can perform after reading the instructions.

Itemid: fu-10631
Available: 2
Weight: 0.295
Price: $32.50
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