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353 Items in Category: Stage

Wilting Rose, European
Wilting Rose, European
The magician offers a rose to a woman in the audience, but as soon as she takes the flower, it immediately wilts. Realistic-Looking (there are even water drops on the petals!)
Itemid: fi-10262
Available: 3
Weight: 0.030
Price: $18.00
Win or Lose Lock
Win or Lose Lock
Perform 100's of Different Routines

You Control the Outcome.

Its a 50 / 50 Chance or IS IT? Win or Lose!

Show three keys, only one opens the lock. Make a wager, mix the keys, two spectators select a key for themselves, the remaining key is yours. They can trade their key for your key, but it doesn't matter! They BOTH insert their key into the lock, it does NOT unlock the lock!

You insert your key, it UNLOCKS the lock! Many, Many routines are now possible with the Win or Lose Lock.

  • Precision Crafted Locksmith.
  • ALL Keys fit in the Lock!
  • ALL the keys can open the lock!
Itemid: mm-10149
Available: 1
Weight: 0.330
Price: $60.00
Winter Spirit by Keith Lack Arlene Studios
Winter Spirit by Keith Lack Arlene Studios

Here is a stunning piece of performance magic with a winter theme just in time for those holiday gatherings.

Several people are asked to write down the first thing that comes to mind when they think of winter on a slip of paper. A spectator is selected and asked to collect the offerings and hand them to the magician. He mixes the slips and asks the spectator to select one and read it out loud to the group. The phrase "Winter Spirit" is called out by the spectator. The magician then takes a champagne or ice bucket from a nearby table and places it in the center of the spectators. All are encouraged to gather around the icy water.

The magician tells the following story. "That could mean two different things. One, it could mean the feeling one gets during winter and the holidays. The spirit of it all and so on. Or two, it could literally mean a spirit. The actual spirit of winter. As I am a magician and spirits are my business so to speak, I think it the more interesting interpretation and I know a little bit about this subject as well. So, let me run with this and see where it takes us. You see, the four seasons are as different as the spirits that rule them.

The winter spirit is the bolder of the group and if it were not for the others she would have covered the world in frost for all eternity. Fortunately the three other spirits will not stand for this and keep a tight rein on winter. She is only allowed to rule three months out of the year and then must be gone by the first day of spring. If she fails to do so, then Summer steps in and helps Spring heat things up a bit. When this happens, Winter melts away into a helpless slushy puddle much like this container of ice and water before us. You see, this is winter in her less powerful form. Just slush really. Yet, there is still a spark of her power here. I can feel her. Her cold chilly touch reaches out even from the icy water. Lets try something here. Right now. A little trip into the strange. Please quietly move in closer around the container. I think I know a spell that might reveal a glimpse of lady winter. Please be quiet and look closely at the icy water. If this works she will only manifest herself for a moment". After a bit of deep breathing, the performer reaches down into the slushy water and cups his hands, gathering ice and water in them as he goes. Slowly, an eerie transparent woman's face peers out through the icy water in his cupped hands. She appears to have been molded from the ice and water in exquisite detail. She has appeared from nowhere. "Ladies and gentlemen, meet lady winter". And just as suddenly as she had appeared, she is gone without a trace. The ice bucket/container can be inspected at length before and after, no trace of anything but icy water will be found. Lady Winter is gone till the next time.

This also includes a bonus routine "The Lady in the Lake". A very well thought out routine around the King Arthur legend.These are quite beautiful and startling effects. They can be preformed in any setting where you have a water source.

Itemid: ms-10502
Available: 1
Weight: 0.070
Price: $85.00
Wiregrams, 3 of Hearths
Wiregrams, 3 of Hearths
Imagine dipping a piece of ordinary wire into hot liquid, and it instantly changes into the shape of a previously selected card!

Available in: Jack of Spades, Three of Hearts, Seven of Hearts, Seven of Diamonds, Eight of Hearts or Ace of Spades (all sold separately).

Itemid: ms-10503
Available: 5
Weight: 0.005
Price: $15.00
Wonder Vine, Flower Magic
Wonder Vine, Flower Magic
Magicians use the craziest of props in their acts, and here is another addition to your collection of novel and off-beat items.

Those with a flair for comedy will love this, and even those with a more conservative approach to their magic will find a place for this prop in their acts. It is a flower creeper, that falls limp like normal creepers do. But with a sprinkling of Woofle dust, a puff of magic breath, or a wave of your magic wand the creeper stands erect, like the famous Indian Rope Trick. You can repeat it as often as you like.

We supply you the creeper complete and ready to work. Any performer with a little imagination will get a lot of mileage from this prop. Play around with it, and you will find presentation and handling ideas that appeal to you.

Itemid: fu-10830
Available: 15
Weight: 0.080
Price: $9.50
Wonderbar, Floating Stick
Wonderbar, Floating Stick
The performer displays a test tube in his hand, which has been stopped with a cork. Inside the tube rests a solid silver bar. With a gesture from the performer, the silver bar begins to bob up and down inside the closed tube, banging against the cork! Eventually, the bar pops the cork off of the tube! Then, the silver bar rises up out of the tube and floats about in mid-air! A hoop can even be passed around the floating bar.

Finally, the bar floats back into the tube. The magician sets the cork back in place and receives a well-deserved round of applause.

Supplied complete with special bar, test tube, cork, "special something" and illustrated instructions.

Itemid: fi-10346
Available: 6
Weight: 0.030
Price: $8.00
Wooly Bully by Mike Bent
Wooly Bully by Mike Bent
A spectator chooses a new look for that master of disguise, Wooly Willy. The magician holds the board flat and gives the spectator a special magic wand, which he waves over the board. The magician slowly shakes the iron filings around the board and when he stops, the disguise the spectator selected has magically appeared on Wooly Willy's face. The magician immediately hands the spectator the board, when he tilts it up, the filings fall and everything can be examined!

Easy To Do! Instantly Resets! Completely Examinable.

Itemid: ms-10506
Available: 2
Weight: 0.090
Price: $18.00
Word Power by Sam Swartz
Word Power by Sam Swartz
"So good, I wish I had thought of it myself." -Stewart James, after he saw the brilliant idea behind the many word tests that Sam Schwartz had created.

The performer shows a group of almost fifty word cards, one word to a card. The participant is handed all the cards and is asked to think of any one word. The performer proceeds to reveal the word without any hesitation, beginning with individual letters and then revealing the entire word!

This can be done with your back turned, in a different room, over the phone, etc. and is suitable for both smaller and larger audiences. In addition to the clever method, Sam has refined the revelation procedure to look like you knew the word right from the beginning!

The word cards are nicely printed on stock and laminated.

Itemid: ms-10507
Available: 2
Weight: 0.090
Price: $30.00
Wrong Way by Vernet
Wrong Way by Vernet
Is great for comedy and has a wonderful surprise climax.

The magician shows a large traffic signal that has a big arrow in each side. He explans that this signal is very important because the traffic must go in that way. One arrow is shown to be pointing to the left and the other to the right. The magician explains this signal means that the traffic must go to the right and this other to the left.

The comedy begins when the arrows begins to change and points the opposite way, both to the right, then both to the left, then up and down. Finally the magician says... and if you don't pay attention to the traffic signals the police officer will give you a ticket and at that moment the plaque drops open showing a police officer 44 inch high in full color, the face is cut out and the magicianĀ“s own face shows through it.

You get a special heavy board beautifully silk screened.

Itemid: vt-10136
Available: 3
Weight: 0.500
Price: $39.95
X-Con by Reed McClintock
X-Con by Reed McClintock
X-Con marks the spot where what is real collides with what is really cool!

"Reed performs some of the most beautiful magic I've ever seen. His ideas are years ahead of their time, his routines are superb, and his technique is flawless. Anything that Reed decides to release, I MUST own for my personal collection!"
- Daryl, World Renowned Magician

Every magician, from amateur to professional, has been on a quest to find the ultimate effect that will have them remembered by their spectators for a lifetime. X-Con isn't just a new trick; it's a reality-shattering, mind-blowing, magical assault on your spectators' worlds. This piece will not only grow in their minds, but build your reputation as a true magician. The reactions are out of this world, and you will alter the truth as your spectators know it.

You begin by discussing the recent prison escape of a gang of convicts. You draw the convicts matching tattoos on a piece of paper, then light the paper on fire in a dramatic reenactment of the blazing prison escape. It all leads to a reality-altering finish where the escapees are found not only sitting with the spectators, but are in fact the spectators themselves.

This effect hits your audience on so many levels: emotionally, psychologically, presentation-wise, you name it. X-Con comes with the machined gimmick, special paper and everything else you need to present this killer effect were nobody is who they appear to be, and nothing is what it seems.

Effect includes evrything you need including complete instructions with sample story.

Itemid: ms-10416
Available: 1
Weight: 0.040
Price: $19.95
X-Ray Vision Bag by Prudential
X-Ray Vision Bag by Prudential
A black bag is handed to a spectator who is asked to place it over their head. They attest they can see nothing but black, no light at all. The magician then takes the bag and places it over his/her head and asks the spectator to write anything (perhaps on a large dry-erase board). The magician is able to write the exact same thing- he must have X-Ray vision!

Effect is beautifully packaged and includes complete illustrated instructions in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish!

Itemid: ms-10419
Available: 2
Weight: 0.130
Price: $24.50
Zebra Silk and Production Umbrellas
Zebra Silk and Production Umbrellas
You start with two 45 cm square silks, one red and one white. Put the silks together and twist them between your hands and turn them into one 60 cm square red and white zebra pattern silk. Twist the silk again, use your favorite production method and then create two red and white pattern umbrellas from the zebra silk. The umbrellas pop up very fast to create a visual impact.

This is an eye-catching and luxurious set and easy to win big applause from the audience.

The set consist of one red silk, one white silk, one zebra-pattern silk and two red and white umbrellas. There is also a VCD showing the production of the Zebra Silk and Umbrellas.

The length of the umbrellas is 41 cm, 3 cm diameter and 64 cm in diameter when produced.

Itemid: ml-10102
Available: 1
Weight: 0.520
Price: $59.50
Zipper Banana Giant
Zipper Banana Giant
The Zipper Banana is a popular comedy prop, where comedian pulls out a banana, unzips the skin, and proceeds to eat the banana. This is a giant model of this visual gag, which adds to the comedy potential.

Comes with an imitation banana, and ideas for its use.

Itemid: rb-10124
Available: 5
Weight: 0.085
Price: $10.00
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