The apparatus comprises of what appears to be a regular artist pallette, with four blobs of paint in different colors. Just wave the pallette, and the colors vanish, leaving four black (empty) spots in their place. You can also do this in reverse, having the four colors appear in place of the empty spots. This goes very well with coloring props like The Magic Coloring Book, Color It, Amazing Birthday Bear picture frame etc.
After showing the black and white picture(s), display the pallette with the colored spots, wave it over the picture(s), and show the colors have vanished. Then show the picture(s) is colored. It can be used to transform four white ribbons or silks to four different colored ones (in a Change Bag).
The different colored silks or ribbons could then be used for a follow up effect. There are also effects with silks like the Happy Birthday Dyeing Set, A Merry Xmas Dyeing Set, where the pallette can be incorporated for an additional touch of magic. It can be used in silk dyeing effects (via a dye tube). You can use it with a Genii Tube, where you pour water into the tube and pour out different colored liquids, and silks to match the liquid. Use the pallette to transfer the colors. Wave it before a handkerchief (or a pair of handkerchiefs) for your Coloring Changing Silks.
There are Colouring Changing Penknives, Wands, Rope, Neck Ties, and even complete dresses amongst magicians props. And the imaginative performer can incorporate the pallette with many of these effects for that added magic touch.
A thoughtful gesture that will be appreciated, and an excellent bit of promotional publicity for you and your magic. Supplied in packets of a dozen.
The magician places a quarter on the lid of the box pictured above. Covering the coin with a playing card, the magician taps the lid of the box. The coin penetrates the box top. Removing the card from the lid shows the spectators that no duplicate coins were used to accomplish the effect.
Easy to do. Complete with all necessary props, instructions and that special something.
Soumya Deb is one of the most prolific idea men in India and a competent professional magician. This book brings you some of the best and most practical of his creations ranging from novel card tricks to easy to build and perform illusions. The book covers over 30 of Soumyas Brainstorms. Soumyas skills as an artist make the descriptions lucid, without need for lengthy text.
All the effects are novel, easy to perform and can be adapted to ones individual performing taste. "Something for everyone" would be an apt description for this.
Albert Goshman the creative mind behind the Super Soft Sponge Ball! Make a Sponge Ball Appear or Vanish in a Blink! Cut a Sponge Ball in 1/2 with your finger!
The package includes 4 pips, a Heart, A Spade, a Club, and a Diamond that are approximately 2 inch tall.
With the help of these thimbles you can perform any of the standard thimble effects, described in the many Magic books and magazines. You can also perform some special routines and effects, not possible with ordinary thimbles, taking advantage of the nesting feature.
Contains 8 thimbles in 3 different colors with 16 page booklet of moves and routines.
Appears to be an innocent, slim, everyday remote control. But once they hit the enter button, they'll find out that all is not as it should be.
The magician shows a magic wand that is red with gold tips. He waves it over a trick but nothing seems to happen. Realising the magic wand is the wrong color, he draws it through his shown empty hand, and the wand changes to a regular black wand with gold tips. The wand is shown all around and can be used as a regular wand throughout the show.
The wand is approximately 12 inch long and 0.5 inch in diameter, and made of powder coated metal tube with anodised gold tips. A handsome wand, which you will use as a regular wand, in addition to the color changes feature. It comes to you complete and ready to use with instructions.
In this version, adapted by Solyl Kundu from an idea by Walter Gibson, the complete action of the drawer is under your full control at all times. You can make it rise or go back into the box, as slowly or fast as you wish, and as often as you wish.
There are no threads, springs, rubber bands or anything to set up. The trick is always ready to work, and very easy to perform under all performing conditions. The matchbox we supply is in fact an imitation one made of plastic, to look just like a real matchbox, but work much more smoothly, and last much, much longer. Rising Matchbox comes to you complete and ready to work with full instructions at a bargain price that's almost a gift.
Show an ordinary Pen to be completely solid. Explain about people who bend spoons and keys by mental concentration. As you are talking, the pen becomes FLEXIBLE, bending like rubber. The pen is rubbed one more time and becomes SOLID! The pen may now be handed to a spectator for total examination!
A flat circular plastic box has one die inside. The magician shows this, then puts the lid on the box. He tells the number which will be on the top surface of the die, then he shakes the box, opens it and shows he is correct.
In effect performer displays two jumbo size cards, with a large hole in the middle, and joined together at the edge of the hole. The cards are red on the outside, and green on the inside, with the outside marked OUT, and the inside marked IN. And sandwiched between the two cards is a white card.
The object of the trick is to remove the white card without tearing it. The spectators will not be able to do this, unless they know the secret. You explain it is very easy, if you turn the cards inside out, because then whatever is on the inside will now be on the outside. As you say this you actually turn the cards inside out in a magical manner, so that the white board is free. And the color of the cards outside is now inside and vice versa.
You can perform this without the white board, and just the cards turning inside out is quite a magical effect by itself.
Inside Out Card Trick is well made, silk screened on art board, and comes to you complete with instructions, ready to use any time, under any performing conditions.
You pour salt from a saltcellar into a handkerchief, give the handkerchief a shake and the salt has vanished. You show your hands empty, but you begin to reach into the air and suddenly the salt pours from your fist into a spectator's hand. You show your hand empty again and ask the spectator to place the salt he has in his hand into your right fist, quickly show your right hand empty and simultaneously you begin to pour salt out your left fist, an UNENDING SUPPLY OF SALT!
Great combination with Vernet's Ethernal Salt. The gimmicks are made in high-reaction plastic material. Comes complete with full illustrated instructions and routine.
This is a very fine invisible thread, totally invisible right under your nose against an appropriate background. For use in miracle floating and animation effects.
Supplied with instructions for the many things you can do with this amazing accessory.
The book includes Indian Levitation, Floating a Girl, Mystery of Lhasa, Aga, Sword Aerial, Bed of Arrows, Fan Illusion, Walking on Swords, Flying Carpet, One Man Levitation, Chair Suspension, Bamboo Aerial, Trilby Couch, Goldston Aga, Night Club Levitation, Another Asrah, Asrah, Kellar's Asrah. This is not a book of illusion blue prints and is certainly not intended to be a complete source for the Levitation Secrets.
As the title suggests, it is a book of secrets, illustrating how each Levitation is performed. The intelligent performer will find the information sufficient to construct some, if not all of these items from the information provided, adapting the details and measurements to his requirements. For the others, Levitation secret will give a reasonable idea of what is involved, so you could get a more complete blue print or additional details to make the item. A good and informative book for anyone interested in large illusion magic.
The specially designed gimmicks supplied consists of a Steel Clip on a safety pin. The purpose is to enable you to produce a lit match from your pocket, or from behind your collar, under your lapel, or wherever you wish.
The gimmicks are made from stainless steel, and use easily replaceable matchbox striking surfaces, so you can use them for ever. We supply you four gimmicks in a set, enabling you to produce more than one lit match in your act.
The best use is for self promotion. You can advertise your products or services and use them as give aways!
You simply tie a knot in the cord around a small plastic tube. Thread one end of the cord through the tube and slip the knot off. The question is WHERE IS THE KNOT? IN THE TUBE OR IN YOUR HAND?
The answer is a BIG SURPRISE and provided a really novel close-up effect. Each time the finale is different.
First the knot is in the tube, then it's in your hand and then it VANISHES altogether! No skill or sleights! It'll intrigue you too, even as you present it! Montezooma will leave your spectators puzzling! A very clever pocket trick to carry with you at any time. You can't go wrong on this!
You receive a black plastic tube with an golden imprint "Montezooma" on it together with a piece of red cord and detailed instructions.
Instructions for 12 different tricks furnished. Absolutely no skill required. Every magician should have this excellent device. Highly recommended.
Contents include Sawing A woman In Halves (Selbit's method, and two Horace Goldin methods), Abbott's method (using circular saw and a plank), Vertical Sawing Illusion plus an improved method suggested by the author, Miss Boots - another vertical sawing by Ovette, One Man Sawing illusion, Sawing Illusion (Abbott's method), Thin Model Sawing (two versions), Buzz Saw Illusion, Super Magician's Self Sawing (as performed by David Copperfield), Homicide Illusion and the Torrini's method of Sawing A Woman In Halves.
This is not a book of illusion blue prints and is certainly not intended to be a complete source for the sawing illusions. Most magicians will find this an excellent source for knowing different methods and their pros and cons before selecting one for their use. The intelligent performer will find the information provided sufficient to make or get made any of these illusions. A recommended book for anyone interested in large illusion magic.
Once again you repeat the trick and again it changes into an egg. The audience laugh because they know the secret but they´ll be shock when the magician breacks the egg into a glass showing it was a real egg. Great for kids shows and perfect for adults.
Comes complete with instructions and routine.
The performer counts out six cards separately from hand to hand. He throws away three cards then counts to show he still has six cards left. He repeats this over and over again, always with the same result.
A card trick that has become a classic. We supply you the special trick cards and full working instructions.
This is the effect: The magician takes a salt shaker from the table and removes its lid. Immediately he begins to pour salt from it into his left fist. After some magical passes, the left hand is shown empty.