Four 10's are removed from the deck and placed in a row of four separate piles. Place three different cards on top of each 10 card. There are really 4 cards in each pile. Pick up Pile 1 and show the 10 of Hearts and three odd cards.
NOW for the 4 Steps to IMPOSSIBLE Magic:
Everything is examinable at the end!
Comes complete with 4 gimmick cards made by the U.S. Playing Card Company, clip and instruction sheet.
This effect will hit them like the proverbial freight train! Strong, simple, and visual magic.
Picture yourselves a scene, a beautiful unapproachable supermarket cashier is staring at you with a bewildered face, as you channel waves of mental energy into your credit card causing it to slowly bend and unbend to your accord - simply by gazing at it.
All around you, people that were waiting in line, simply forget what they were there for in the first place and become an admiring audience that is convinced you possess supernatural powers!
You'll never look at a deck of Bikes quite the same way ever again!
Imagine the Joker deciding to take his wheels for a spin. It would look quite special as he peddled around the EDGE of the card to arrive safely on the BACK. Being a smart cookie, he then takes the shorter route back home and passes THROUGH THE CARD.
This is just one of the many sequences that can be created with this very special gimmicked set of Jokers.
The Joker can also peddle through the deck and arrive on the back of a SELECTED CARD.
Full deck handlings and "packet" handlings are explored in 14 pages of illustrated instructions.
Complete with specially printed Bicycle Cards. Prepare to explore new bikeways... to stretch the bounds of the Joker's known horizons.
At any time during your act, you demonstrate your incredible talent of spinning a card off the top of the deck, and having it shoot out towards the audience. When the card travels about ten feet, it does a 180 degree turn and returns to your hand! The audience will be picking their jaws up off the floors, and they will think you have supernatural powers!
The little thread box contains 30 feet of invisible elastic thread that can stretch up to 5 times its length.
Bannon's innovative new routine is an entertaining, updated, version of the classic "Wild Card" plot. It has all of the qualities of a perfect routine. It contains a solid story based on the classic Magician vs. Gambler conflict and a new triple climax.
The contest begins with eight blank cards and the Ace of Spades. The magician's blanks change into Aces of Spades. The Gambler's blanks change into Aces of Diamonds, Clubs, Hearts, and Spades. In a truly unexpected climax, the magician's aces change into a Royal Flush to win the contest! Comes with poker-size, Bicycle cards. Sleight-of-hand required.
For the climax, a large, colorful butterfly magically appears on her hand!
The magician, passing his hand up and down over the two silks, make them change to a chessboard design.
Easy to do.
Made from genuine leather. Dimensions Approximately 2.25" x 2" (5.75 cm x 5 cm)
Once again you push the rod back into the cube, now just place your hand in front of the cube and when you take it away the cube is now red. WOW! This is a great little effect and ideal for walk around.
See Rocco's Best selling Lite from anywhere in a whole new light, White light to be exact! This great crowd pleaser is now available in white light.
Just imagine your audience's amazement when you reach into thin air with a hand that's clearly empty and pluck a glowing ball of white light out of nowhere!
You can pass the light from hand to hand, make it vanish and reappear, etc. A staple item in the acts of professional magicians world-wide, the incredible D'Lite is also amazingly simple to perform.
Just imagine your audience's amazement when you reach into thin air with a hand that's clearly empty and pluck a glowing ball of orange light out of nowhere! You can pass the light from hand to hand, make it vanish and reappear, etc. A staple item in the acts of professional magicians world-wide, the incredible D'Lite is also amazingly simple to perform.
Imagine plucking a glowing ball of red light from anywhere. One second your hands are completely empty and the next second, you've holding a handful of colored light. The light can pass from hand to hand, vanish, etc. Professional magicians from Fantasio to Jeff McBride feature D'Lite in their acts.
Professional magicians from Fantasio to Jeff McBride feature D'Lite in their acts.
See Rocco's Best selling Lite from anywhere in a whole new light, White light to be exact! This great crowd pleaser is now available in white light.
Just imagine your audience's amazement when you reach into thin air with a hand that's clearly empty and pluck a glowing ball of white light out of nowhere!
You can pass the light from hand to hand, make it vanish and reappear, etc. A staple item in the acts of professional magicians world-wide, the incredible D'Lite is also amazingly simple to perform.
Comes complete with Dollar gimmick and detailed, photo-illustrated instruction sheet.
When two tied silks pass thru an empty hand, they change colors.
Nuff said!
Includes handling by Chuck Crespo.
Other ways to do this effect include:
Have an envelope you never touch hanging from the ceiling. Anybody opens it, and inside is a duplicate of the same card just selected moments ago.
The freely stopped at card can be predicted in the classified ads in your local paper.
Important points to remember:Magician need never touch the deck once handed to the spectator. Spectator turns over the selected card. No need for you ever to touch it. You never touch the envelope containing the prediction. It is opened by the VIP and the card is removed by them.
As clean as it gets. Deck can be used in other card prediction effects. Works perfectly with the IN THE NEWS effect. Supplied in Bicycle Poker card stock. A true reputation maker than will fool the wise ones.
On the backs of the cards, you show a stick figure magician, and explain that he's going to reveal the chosen card. Riffling the deck like a flipbook, the stick figure eats a taco supreme (with extra hot sauce!), which doesn't seem to agree with him too well. The stick figure emits a gaseous cloud from his rear end, with the selected card revealed among the toxic fumes!
From the minds of Dan Harlan, creator of the original Card Toon, and Dan Alexander.
Everyone is invited to place their hands flat upon the table, little fingers touching, seance style around the case. The performer has joined in, his fingers lightly touching the case and the adjoining spectator's little fingers. The ring of energy is complete. With attention so firmly aroused, the chosen card, with no perceptible trickery, floats eerily off the case. It floats up, twists and moves a little, then floats back down. Any spectator may now remove the chosen card. It is indeed endowed with special forces.
Volume Three of the Pocket Mysteries Series.
The magician displays a poor poker hand, one a cheater might try to pawn off as a flush. Describing the methods of a professional card shark, and with zero moves, the poker hand turns into Four-of-a-Kind with Aces! Continuing the explanation of cheaters? secret moves, the hand becomes a Royal Flush in Spades!
Get this? only five cards are used...and they are tabled at the conclusion of the effect, displaying both faces and backs!
Comes complete with photo-illustrated instructions and a very special set of blue-back, poker-size Bicycle cards printed by the U.S. Playing Card Co. just for this routine.
Effects include Ellis Ring standards like Ring Off Rope and Ring Off Wand, plus Chuck Leach's multi-phase routine Get Loopy. A black wedding band jumps from your finger to the rope, escapes from the rope twice and eventually reappears back on your finger!
The boxes have a complete cover. They are in two different colors. We will presume they are black and red. The magician opens the black box, and inside it is the red box. Obviously the red box is smaller than the black box. The red box is removed, and if you wish you could make a production of silks, spring flowers, streamers etc. from the box. The box is finally shown empty. You now close the black box, put it into the red box, and close the red box. Obviously the black box is now smaller than the red box.
This can be repeated as often as you like. Gozinta Boxes work on an ingenious geometric principle. The boxes are completely solid and rigid. They are not flexible, or elastic, and there are no sliding or moving parts, trap doors, substitutions or any such subterfuges.
We supply the set of boxes ready to perform. Boxes are crafted from heavy board, Rexene coated for long life, and supplied complete with instructions at a very modest price. You use your own production items if you wish to make a production from these.
The Hat Coil is a classic production item, which was a favorite with magicians a few years ago. Unfortunately, the non availability of the coils specifically made for this purpose makes this an item rarely seen today.
The original production used to be from an empty magician's hat, which is how the item got its name. The magician produced hundreds of yards of ribbon from an empty hat. The result was a mountain of ribbon, several times the size of the hat. Finally this could be used as a cover for a much larger production, for example picking up the ribbon, and under cover producing live stock or several umbrellas from a body load.
The ribbon is really a paper strip, and one hat coil can be used for only one performance. However the modest cost is well justified for the very big impact of the production.
You get a compact coil, about 1 inch thick and 5 inch in diameter, that when produced forms a mountain of paper ribbon. Although traditionally produced from a hat, you could also make the production from any production prop, such as a Square Circle or Tip Over Box, or any item where you can conceal the coil in the load chamber. It is ideal for production from a Tambourine Ring, where an endless ribbon seems to cascade for the tissue capped empty rings.
You'll receive the only authorized manuscript with variations in preparation, handling and performance plus a section with questions and answers which allows you to utilize this principle to it's fullest!
This is one of the most astonishing things I've witnessed in a long, long time! - Matthew Field
Spectacular effect. Absolutely ingenious. Best trick I have ever bought... hands down. - Joshua Mossholder
Original handling also appears with permission in Tim Ellis 24 Years of Living Next Door to Ellis lecture notes
Have any card selected, signed and then returned to the deck. The signed card magically jumps to the top of the deck several times. This time place a large red heart sticker on the back of the signed card. And the card is lost in the deck.
Without any funny moves or cover the deck is tapped on the back of the spectators hand. The heart INSTANTLY and VISUALLY appears on the back of the top card. This card is turned over and is the spectators signed card.
Next, the magicain takes out a lighter, lights it, and holds it under the wrong card: "Sometimeswhen you heat the card, it changes". The card is turned over, only to reveal the spectators selection.
Okay, so far nothing new...Read this: The magician now attempts to change the selection back to the wrong card again. For a second time the lighter is held under the card, but this time the card got seemingly TOO hot, which caused the ink of the card to run! when the card is shown again, the face of their selection has actually melted away! Visually and magically, the card is "restored" back to its original condition, and can be handed out for examination!
Then it's a spectators turn to give it a try...A spectator is asked to place any coin, their wallet and their watch onto the table. They do so, placing them down in any order. The performer explains that the objects are going to act as markers and removes a deck of cards from his pocket. He asks the spectator to try and cut exactly 10 cards off the top of the deck. They do so and are instructed to place the pile in front of their coin.
The magician then asks them to cut another pile, this time 12 cards and place the pile by their watch. Finally, the spectator is asked to try to cut 15 cards, which go by their wallet.
The performer now admits to misleading the audience a bit, explaining that the lesson wasn't about being dexterous, but about misdirection. He explains that by giving them a difficult and specifiic task to concentrate on, it mentally persuades them away from what is actually happening. The top cards of each pile are slid forward to the object they are by. What would have happened if they had cut even just one card more or one card less in each pile? The piles are now turned over to show standard playing card faces. The card cut by the coin is turned over, and the word Coin is seen to be printed on the card! The card by their watch says Watch and, of course, the card by their wallet says Wallet boldly across the face.
Comes with all of the necessary, specially-printed cards on Bicycle stock and detailed instructions.