The magician displays a large die in a bowl (a Die Cup)! The only thing special about the die is that all the spots are blank. The die is white, and so are the spots on it. The spectators can clearly see all the sides and top. Magicians shakes the cup, and in an instant, all the spots become coloured. The die is now clearly spotted with black spots on all sides. An incredible illusion, performed right under their noses!
Challenge your audience to "find the pea" among three clear shot glasses. One glass contains a green LED, the other two contain red LEDs. The audience attempts to track the green light but may find it's not as easy as it sounds!
Ideal for beginners and for advanced magicians alike, LED Monte is easy to master, allowing you to focus on your presentation instead of your hands.
Comes with three shot glasses, the LED lights and micro battery, a complete kit so you can start working with the routine immediately.
Without any moves or switching, the 3's separate themselves from the other cards.
This is repeated a second time with the 3's face up, they are again mixed in between any 3 regular cards in the cleanest, fairest manner. Again the cards separate from each other.
Complete with two gimmicks and routine.
Easy to do, self contained (with nothing to replace), this is a different and offbeat rope trick.
The Utility Change Bag we supply looks like a lady's hand bag. It has a zip opening on the side of the bag. Open the zip and place for example a white silk into it. Close the zip, make your magic pass, then open the zip and hand over the bag to a spectator. The spectator can himself remove the silk from the bag, which could be changed to Red.
The special features being that unlike other Change Bags, there is no flap and nothing for the spectator to find. The Utility Change Bag is a logical prop to carry silks or ribbons or rope in, and perform your effect using the same carry bag.
It is not suitable for performing with hard or bulky items like eggs and playing card decks and baby chickens, for which purpose a standard handle on Change Bag is more suitable.
The Utility Change Bag is an excellent prop for magicians wanting to perform a blendo, or vanish or produce a few Silks, or perform a good and restored or Linking Ribbon Ring Routine, in an environment where they can let the audience freely handle the bag. It is specially appropriate for use with silks, which is just the type of thing one would expect in a lady's bag. However, it can be used equally effectively with any soft items like ribbons, ropes, paper slips, sponge balls etc.
This baffling, yet easy to perform trick, takes the popular Boomerang optical illusion to a new level! Easy to do, yet a real fooler!
Have any spectator name ANY card, NO Force. Show the deck with angels on it, they'll help with the magic. Square up the deck and flick the cards like a little movie, the angels begin to perform! A card back appears in the animation and turns face up! YES its the spectators selected card!
This one is special in that it is Red and White striped.
BLUSH is a very high quality gimmick which will allow you to perform some really incredible table magic.
Take your cards out of the box but explain your card box is always a little bit shy when used in public, that's the reason why it becomes smaller in order no one notices it. Problem: you cannot put your card back inside the box. Ask one person of the audience to give a little kiss to the card box and everything will turn back to normal!
Available in Black, Red and Green. 7.25 by 12 inches, 19 cm x 31 cm.
This is a special metal gimmick, specially designed to hold a number of coins in your sleeve or under your coat, and the coins can be secretly dropped into your hand one at a time, by pressing on the lever. The apparatus can be used for any coin production routine, such as the Miser´s dream, where coins are required to be produced one at a time.
The cube can be handed over for examination, and the spectator will find its slides freely, and there is no way it can be made to stop on the string.
With each Devil's Napkin is supplied instructions for 20 swell tricks, many of them brand new and most effective:
Imitation dove not included.
This is a very simple and direct prediction effect, with no forces, sleights or switches, and makes a nice and colorful visual display. We supply you the special strip of design panels, produced in bright eye-catching colors, that does it all.
This regular looking Magician's Wand can be used throughout your show and produces two colorful flowers (one from each end) when touched against an assistant, yourself or a spectator.
Wand measure about 12 inch and is made from Wood. Very pretty effect.
Performer places the deck on his outstretched palm and mysteriously the top half of the deck moves forward and then back to its original position of leaving a card protruding. The card is removed and shown to be one of the chosen cards.
This is repeated with cards two and three! Truly an excellent effect.
Modern technology has made this classic magicians accessories into a miracle gimmick that makes so much more possible - the material from which these loops are made was not available to magicians till a few years ago, even if magicians have used invisible thread for centuries.
You can animate or levitate light objects. You can make a deck of cards cut itself for a haunted deck effect. Make a borrowed fork or a pair of spectacles move in an impossible manner. Once you start playing around with these, your imagination is the limit of its possibilities.
This is not push-button magic. As for any good effect, you need to practice. But it is the easiest and most practical form of IT to handle and use.
We supply you a packet of 5 loops, (you may break or loose one or two in the initial stages, but when correctly handled, each loop can be used for dozens if not 100s of performances). We give you the basic handling instructions, and one illustrated routine to familiarize you with their use. The rest is for you to create - and there are instruction books and DVDs available for their use if you do not want to explore this further on your own. Ideal for table hoppers, close-up workers, bar and cabaret workers, and with a little imagination even for platform and stage workers.
The performer displays a length of red rope, with three yellow knots. Tied in the knot to the right is a silk. The rope is passed behind the performer's back and the silk has jumped to the knot to the left. It goes behind the back once again, and the silk has jumped back to the knot on the right. You milk this for what it is worth, as the audience tell you you are simply transferring the rope from hand to hand, so that the silk appears at opposite ends.
You appear offended at the suggestion that you are cheating so brazenly. You pass the rope behind your back once again, and this time the silk has jumped to the knot in the middle. And you can immediately toss everything to the audience, and they can examine the rope, silk and knots without a clue to the magic.
The apparatus supplied includes the special knitted rope, silk, and full instructions.
Use it in your close-up magic show and then hand it away to your assistant as a memento.
They will permit you to perform several transformation effects, or all your usual coin tricks, with a more intriguing and attractive prop.
Each coin is 29 mm in diameter, and 2.25 mm thick, and weighs 9 gms. making them ideal for coin sleights.
Since these coins are made of copper, then silver and gold plated, they cost a little more than actual coins. But you get a matched set, ideal for all your coin magic, where regular coins will not fit the bill.
No instructions are supplied - get them if you know what you want to do with them!
Make a penny mutate into a dime. Diminish it to a tiny penny. Cause two coins to divert places. You are only limited by your imagination with the power of the Phantom Card. Includes Phantom Card, extra playing cards, trick penny, mini penny and detailed instructions. each/hanging bag with full color insert.
Build a reputation as a card expert, although very little skill is required.
Build a reputation as a card expert, although very little skill is required.
This is a very fine piece of mechanical magic, and we guarantee you will be delighted with the clever working of this item. We supply you the special fake nut, a matching ordinary nut, both precision made in solid brass, along with full instructions and routines.
Very easy to do. You'll enjoy doing it. You reach out and pluck the flame from a cigarette lighter. Hold the flame between your right thumb and index finger, then you transfer it to your left fingers. Take it again with you right fingers and finally blow the flame vanishing it and showing your hands absolutely empty. Use it to light a cigarette or ignite flash paper. Blow it out then reach out and grab another flame. This is the ideal accessory to use with candle routines. The Thumb Tip Flame may be used as a gag or combined with flash string or paper, cigarettes, etc. Comes complete with instructions.
With another toss, the card hovers between the magician's hands, spinning like a flying saucer. A wide variety of arial acrobatics are possible with this flying card. Finally, for a fantastic finale, the card spins around the magician's body entirely. It is then replaced in the deck, which can be handed out for examination.
There's obviously a good reason why this trick has become so popular. This Royal Magic publication, supplied complete with all necessary supplies to perform the trick dozens of times, Bicycle playing cards, details all the work on Hummer's masterpiece, and describes a number of bonus effects with the "special something" supplied.
Three coins are placed on the table or in a spectator�s hand and a prediction coin is placed in your fist. A spectator freely selects any of the three coins. When you open your fist the prediction coin matches perfectly.
No extra coins, no switches, no forces. You will love performing this and will carry it with you -- everywhere. Very easy to learn and almost works itself. Comes complete with the necessary gaff and photo-illustrated instructions. Use your own coins.